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Chapter eleven: Passion Flowers

        Rob rang the doorbell. He couldn’t wait for Noiz-sama’s surprise. Then the door opened. Noiz-sama greeted him like a sweet little hooker. “Hello there.” she said. Naoko couldn’t speak. His eyes were completely glued to her. He was speechless. Noiz-sama had on a sheer light pink kimono and a burgundy obi. It showed her lovely cleavage in the shimmering moonlight. Her hair gracefully brushed up against her naked shoulders. Naoko could see her naughty undies through his bird’s paper-thin kimono. He was blushing wildly. His nose was slightly bleeding. All of the porn starlets in the world had nothing on her!

        Noiz-sama stepped closer. Naoko was frozen still. Her rose petal pillow lips almost touched his ear.

        “I have a little surprise for you.” she whispered in a husky seductive version of her sweet voice. The sensual little hot breath that escaped her sugary mouth made Rob’s arousal harden lighting fast. He really wanted her tonight. This just sealed the deal. Noiz-sama tittered as she saw her man’s burning red cheeks. It was tempting to torture him a bit. Nah, not tonight. Not yet. Too early for the “really excellent” phase of the relationship.

        “W-What is it?” her beau stammered out in heat. Noiz-sama smiled seductively. She lightly took him by the hand. She leaned in close again.

        “Close your eyes.” she breathed out. Rob began to tremble in desire. Oh, her breath was so hot on his ear. The suspense was evil. His heart skipped a beat. He did as she said without warning. Noiz kept smiling.

        “Good.” she breathed out again. Then she led him inside.

        The house was dark inside. The cool air added to the brewing sensual nature. Naoko couldn’t wait to see Noiz-sama’s surprise.

        “Can I look now?” he asked eagerly. Noiz-sama tittered softly.

        “Not yet.” she whispered sweetly. That made her man’s groin even harder. Suspense was that heavy. “Oh please stop playing with me like this!” Naoko thought lustfully. Noiz-sama smiled as if she could hear his thoughts.

        “Just hang on.” she whispered. “It’ll all be worth it.”

        Noiz-sama led her beau up the bamboo stairs. They came to Noiz-sama’s master bedroom. The excitement was intense. Rob’s hear raced wildly. Noiz-sama kept smiling. She reached to her right and slowly slid her door open. The seductress leaded in close. “Okay,” she breathed out. “You can look now.” Rob complied. His eyes grew big with shock. Inside was Aiko Suite. It was all in its sexual glory. The guy was speechless. Noiz-sama kept smiling.

        “Do you like it?” asked she. Her love could only nod in delight.

        “I knew you would!" Noiz-sama breathed out tenderly. She moved to the open door gracefully.

        “After you.” she offered. Rob complied with desire. Noiz-sama followed behind and slid the door shut. For an extra, she latched it shut.

        The candles were lit on the floor. Noiz-sama sat on her sexy bed. Rob kept watching her. Noiz-sama waited for him.

        “What do you desire?” she asked. Rob stepped closer. He leaned in close to her.

        “You,” he answered. “I want you tonight.” Then he lightly kissed her on the lips. Noiz-sama kissed back ardently. The spark instantly lit the fire. Noiz-sama let herself fall back onto the silk sheets. Love was bliss tonight.

       Rob lightly collapsed onto her. He wanted this! This was his fantasy for weeks!

        Their kisses became deeper. Rob slipped his tongue into his master’s sweet mouth. She moaned softly. The heat was rising in her body rapidly. The flowers of passion began to bloom.

        The heat rose faster with each kiss. Rob was so swallowed up in his passion that he feverishly ripped off his shirt and embraced Noiz-sama even tighter. His master caught a glimpse of his young manly torso. But that brief show was enough to make more passion flowers bloom. She spread her legs under him instantly. Rob let his hands slide into her kimono and felt around at her baby soft skin. He felt his rod getting harder just by the mere touch and softness. He wanted more. He needed more. He just had to have her. Otherwise, the mouse boy would go mad. Noiz-sama herself could barely keep still as her pet caressed her baby soft flesh slow and sexually. Rob had to pin her down and keep kissing her. Finally, he couldn’t take the soft-core foreplay any longer. The sweet lusty kitty broke off the kiss and huddled over her. He could Noiz-sama’s soft breath as she gazed into his eyes with her own lusty eyes. He could see the flowers of passion in full bloom in her burning soul.

        “Do you want me to be a good kitty or a bad mouse?” Rob asked. Noiz-sama smiled.

        “Bad mouse.” she answered lustfully. Rob kept grinning. He yanked her burgundy obi loose and threw it aside. Noiz-sama’s sheer light pink kimono instantly fell open and off of her dark slender body under her. Her beau’s nose began to bleed at the mere sight of his bird’s beautiful body. Noiz-sama maintained her seduction.

        “Does mousey like what he sees?” she asked tenderly.

        “Hell yeah!” the pet exclaimed. Noiz-sama reached up and unhooked his belt. She didn’t stop there! The randy little master undid his jeans as well. Rob tried his best to stay sill for her to finish the task. Once phase one was complete, Noiz-sama yanked down his jeans and tossed them aside. Rob kept grinning like a luck criminal. Noiz-sama’s cheeks turned a hazy red. Her beau wasn’t wearing any boxers tonight. Well, this was as “extra” treat!

        This broken down the final gates of innocence. Rob took out one of Noiz's sharp hair chopsticks that he managed to swipe from her while she wasn't looking tonight and lashed out  his master. His hit was so accurate that all of her underwear fell off in shreds. Noiz-sama felt like a teenage virgin. Rob looked at her lovingly.

        “Oh, sorry if I cut you,” said he. “Will I have to kiss it and make it better?” Noiz-sama licked her honey kips in desire.

        “I’m fine.” she answered with randy haze. “But you can feel free to still kiss me if you want.” That made his night. The pet moved his head between her legs and “kissed” her anyway. The heat sped up rapidly. Noiz-sama moaned loudly. Rob glanced up and saw her blushing. He stopped and rose up.

        “Should I stop?” he asked gently.

        “NO!!!” Noiz-sama cried out. The pet just shrugged, moved his head back, and continued. Noiz-sama moaned again. The passionate flowers swayed and multiplied endlessly. The master was burning in pleasure. Rob began forcing his tongue in deeper. The taste of her drove him into madness. He just had to have more of her. Noiz-sama felt waves of heat roll through her small body endlessly as his tongue caressed her soft warm wet walls over and over again. Rob grabbed her by her hips and pulled her closer towards him. “She tastes delicious!” he thought with a dirty mind. The pet just couldn’t get enough of master’s sweetness. It turned out to be a powerful wonder too. Because the more he “kissed” her, the more his desire to ride increased. Noiz-sama began running her fingers through his stringy hair and wrapped her soft shapely legs around him. This doubled the passion flowers beyond limit. Rob let his hands grope her soft thick thighs. Noiz-sama’s moans grew louder. The ride was really kicking off.

        Rob couldn’t take it anymore. This desire was too much in his soul. He took one last big lick around inside of his master and slowly slid out. He tenderly replaced his tongue with is lower self. Now for the fun part! Rob began pulling in and out slowly. Pleasure began to take effect. Noiz-sama’s moans grew louder and louder. Rob was pleased at the satisfaction he was giving her. He leaned into her ear and began whispering suggestive things.

        “HARDER MY LOVE!!!” Noiz-sama cried out. Rob smiled as he complied. The ride became faster.

        “Mousey loves his master!” the pet cried out. Noiz-sama held him tightly.

        “Mousey has a very nice master!” Rob cried out in pleasure. He let mouth travel to her soft breasts. His tongue lapped around her nipples feverishly. Noiz-sama kept running her fingers through his soft hair. She was floating in a heaven of passion flowers. Rob began giving her breasts a small suck. Sweat began to develop on his strong young body as she held onto him. Rob sucked hard on his master’s left breast while his left hand kneaded the other one.

        “Oh yes! More! More!” Noiz-sama cried out. Rob was drowning in deep pleasure. Her milk in his mouth, her warm wet walls around him, her loud cries of pleasure in his ears. This had to be heaven. Each thrust grew faster than the last. The passion flowers bloomed even faster.

        Rob let his other hand stray down to her rear and squeezed it tightly. Noiz-sama gasped even louder. She arched her back higher to allow deeper entrance. This pushed the pet to pump even faster. He even began licking and kissing on her neck. Pleasure was now too high to measure.

        “OH YES ROB!!!” Noiz-sama screamed. “DON’T STOP! I BEG OF YOU!!! PLEASE DON’T STOP!!!” Rob did the complete opposite of stop and sped up even more. Both were lost in a field of passion flowers. They didn’t want the lusty ride to end.

        Finally, Rob felt himself burst with liquid inside of his master.

        “NOIZ-SAMA!!!” he called. His master let herself fall back on the silk sheets beneath her. Rob collapsed beside her in ecstasy. The master began drifting off in a sweet deep sleep. Rob slowly turned to her.

        “I love you master.” he whispered to her.

        “I love you too.” Noiz-sama murmured back. The couple fell asleep in a sea of red passion flowers.