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            Chapter Twelve: Risky Business

            Noiz-sama came around the Kamikin Flat distract. The address on the paper was in clear black ink in her small hand. It had been three nights since she had been in ecstasy. Now, she needed more.

            Noiz-sama pressed the call button to the flat. A low crackle greeted her. Noiz-sama waited calmly.

            “Konbawa,” the operator answered. “Visiting someone?” Noiz-sama smiled in excitement.

            “Yes sir!” she chirped.

            “Do you want me to advice the resident you are coming?” the operator asked. Noiz-sama already had her answer.

            “No,” she replied in her usual sweet voice. “I’ll surprise them.”

            “Very well then,” the operator said. Then, the heavy iron gates slid open. Noiz-sama watched in satisfaction.

            “Enjoy your night.” the operator finished. Noiz-sama smirked. “Oh, I will!” she thought in dirty desire. “Yes I sure will!

            The trip inside the flat was silent. Most of its tenants were in or out for the night. All the better to make a “visit”. To contain herself until then, Noiz-sama closed her eyes and breathed in and out in the lift ride up. “Be cool like water.” she thought to herself. But it’s so hard tonight…

            Finally, the lift doors opened. Noiz-sama opened her eyes and exhaled. The fire was trapped in her sweet soul. It needed to escape and fast. And there was only one way to do so. Alas, the randy kitty was here. Apartment 221. A dirty little smile came to Noiz-sama’s lips. This was she wanted this all day long. Now, that growing need was getting met.

            Noiz-sama knocked on the white wooden door causally. She waited like a little girl on Christmas Eve. The door opened wide. Rob stood before her pleasantly surprised and confused.

            “Noiz-chan…” he forced out. “What are you doing here this late?” Noiz-sama didn’t answer. She just moved in close and gave her beau a deep sensual kiss on his lips. The boy’s heart skipped a beat. He tenderly kissed back. He tenderly kissed back. The mistress wrapped her arms around him. Her fingertips lightly brushed his broad shoulders. Some of Noiz-sama’s fire began to escape into him in little sparks.

            Rob finally slipped away from her sweet grasp. He was still confused. Noiz-sama kept watching him. “Well,” she spoke up in her normal sweet voice. “Aren’t you going to let me in?” Rob paused and became nervous. Quietly, he looked inside the flat. The mouse boy returned his gaze to his waiting maiden. He could barely speak. All he did was go pale and nod. Noiz-sama smiled. She leaned in close again. Her lips were inches from his ear.

            “You are such a sweet little mouse.” she breathed out like a hot hooker. Rob’s face was now a bright strawberry red.

            The flat inside was cool and dark. Rob walked ahead of her. Noiz-sama closed the door behind her and locked it tight. The pet turned to her.

            “Now listen to me,” he whispered. “My seir is asleep, so we’ll have to be quiet. K?” Noiz-sama’s eyes were hazed amor. She moved swiftly in front of her love. Her face was inches from his. Rob felt like a cornered deer.

            “I’ll play by your rules tonight.” she replied. The pet broke into a small cold sweat. He knew what she wanted right away. He knew from the second he saw her. There was only one way to cure it.

            Rob gently took his master by her soft hand. It was burning. “Poor thing, you’ve got it bad tonight!” he thought in shock. She looked as if she would collapse onto him if the heat wasn’t put out soon. The pet led his master to his bedroom. Little did the mouse suspect, that this was all part of her master plan.

            The couple made it to his bedroom. Rob closed and locked the door behind them. Noiz-sama embraced her love tight again. The feel and smell of her made his skin crawl in delight. Noiz-sama’s dirty mind turned faster than a wheel. Now to spring to life!

            Noiz-sama quickly dragged the pet to the high school boy bed and pushed him down roughly. Rob was excited and confused at once. Noizchild climbed on top of him. Rob’s eyes grew wide.

            “Noiz-sama! What is this?” he asked in shock. His master gently put her finger to his mouth.

            “Shhh.” she whispered. “We have to be quiet, remember?” Rob nodded in silence. Noiz-sama smiled. She gently laid him onto his back. Naoko’s heart raced wildly. Noiz-sama leaned in close to his ear.

            “I can have anything from you, right?” she asked. The mouse boy was quiet at first. Then, he nodded softly. Noiz-sama just smiled again.

            “Excellent.” the kitty mistress replied. Then she yanked off his shirt quickly. Rob’s heart raced again.

            “Just relax sweetie.” Noiz-chan said sweetly. Rob tried to do so. Noiz-chan waited for him. The excitement was intense.

            Once he was calm again, Noiz-chan leaned in close to his ear.

            “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” she whispered. Rob just eyed her in silent nervous excitement. Noiz-sama then unhooked her love’s belt. She threw the belt aside and began work on his jeans. The mistress slowly unzipped them. Noiz-sama worked Rob’s jeans inch by inch slowly and seductively while brushing her soft fingertips against his young manly legs. Her love trembled in delight. Noiz-sama enjoyed the effect she was having on him. So, she decided to push the gate even further.

            The mistress moved her waist around a bit. Noiz-sama’s graceful hand floated to her crimson obi, slowly pulled it loose and flung it away. The pinkish-lilac kimono slid open. Rob’s nose began to bleed lightly. Noiz-sama’s lips curved into a sexy smile. Then she slowly moved her shoulders around to work her kimono off. It slid off of her small body just like the natural silk it was born from. The sight was like watching a waterfall of wild desire into a rushing stream of sexual tension. Rob fought long and hard to keep himself still for his woman.

            Right then, Noiz-sama decided to stop stripping herself down for the moment. “Well, that was fun,” she thought amorously. “Now, it’s time to work!” Noiz-sama won back the hazy seductive look in her eyes. Her hands rushed straight to his black boxers. She froze and let her eyes meet his. Naoko could see the randy fire in his lover’s soul. It had been amplified higher since last time. He noticed that each time that he and Noiz-sama made love, the lust and desire grew powerful inside of his girlfriend. And to the mouse boy’s surprise, he was enjoying it!

            “Do you want me to continue?” Noiz-sama’s eyes seemed to ask. Oh, this was too good! A hot horny half-naked woman was on top of him about to yank down his boxers and love his body to pieces. Oh yes, do it! Do as you like mistress! Noiz-chan slid off Rob’s boxers the same way she did with his jeans. She smiled in satisfaction. “Now for the fun work!” the master thought hungrily.

            Noiz-sama began licking and kissing down his neck. Her love moaned softly. Noiz-chan moved south slowly. Her tongue felt so soft and warm! Naoko’s heart raced as Noiz-sama gave his chest tiny butterfly kisses and licks. This was too hot even for her. She wanted so badly to cut to the chase. But by doing so, it would deny them both the pleasure of that was to come. But waiting was so evil! That’s what made a sexual experience so grand.

            Noiz-sama moved down to Rob’s stomach and continued her sweet torture there. Only this time, it was much slower and tender. Rob moaned as he felt his arousal getting diamond hard. The wait became unbearable. He wished she would do more to him.

            “Please Noiz-sama!” he cried out. “Don’t tease me like this! I beg of you!” Noiz-sama lifted up her head.

            “Shhh.” she replied tenderly. “We’ll wake up your sleeping seir, remember?” Rob was too frozen to respond. Noiz-sama smirked.

            “Bad mousey,” she cut it. “Looks like I’ll have to punish you!” Rob’s eyes widened in delight.

            “Go on!” he called out. “Punish me mistress!”

            “Gladly!” Noiz-sama replied in heat. She started at his chest again and moved downward. The trip was warm and icy. Rob trembled in delight. Noiz-sama’s face became warm with ecchi. Now, it was time.

            Alas, Noiz-sama reached her final destination. She gently took Rob’s member into her sweet mouth. She began sucking on it lightly. Rob’s breath grew heavy. The pleasure had begun to take effect.

            Noiz-chan started off painfully slow. Tormenting him was so much fun. Maybe too much fun! But who says you can’t have fun with work?

            Noiz-sama sped up by a half inch. So thick. So hot. Naoko was sinking into ecstasy rapidly.

            “Oh, your mouth is so warm and wet!” he moaned out. Noiz-sama slowly caressed her tongue again the hot throbbing flesh. This had to be the best taste known to man. The mad sexual taste drove Noiz to speed up little by little. Rob moaned and panted wildly. The passion was taking over them. The young couple needed more. Sanity sat on a breakable thread. Something had to give.

            Finally, Noiz-sama couldn’t take it anymore. She began to speed up and suck harder. Rob let himself collapse back onto his bed. He was even trembling in delight. This pushed his lady to lick and suck even faster. This was too good to stop.

            Noiz-sama sped up even more. The heat in her mouth and body rose faster. She thought she would burst. The kitty could even feel herself rising. Rob himself could barely keep still. The pleasure kept multiplying. The waves got stronger and stronger. He let his fingers lightly run through Noiz-sama’s soft glossy black hair. “She’s so soft all over!” he thought in bliss. Sweat developed all over his body due to the passion burning within him. Noiz-sama felt the same heat from him as well. It all made her dizzy with lust and desire. She reached up and began massaging his strong boyish thighs. “Oh!” Noiz-sama thought in excitement. “So strong and manly. Yet gentle!” Her newly stronger excitement pulled her to suck and lick even faster. The taste of her lover was just that good! There were no words to fully describe this fiery sensation climbing inside of her.

            Noiz-sama began nibbling lightly at Naoko’s cock in ecstasy. Now she understood why men found women on lollipops so sexy. Rob’s moans and groans grew even louder. Noiz-sama began to flick the head with her tongue. Her love folded his young strong legs around her soft chocolate body. Chills sped up along Noiz-sama’s back. “So…. secure!” she thought in lust. The lovely kitty brushed her lovely bare shoulders up against his thighs. This pushed her to suck, nibble, and lick even harder. Rob was slowly drowning in sweaty desire. This was too much for the pet! He could barely keep still. Rob began sliding his body up and down on the bed along with the rhythmic sensation. Noiz-sama had to move her head and keep sucking to do her “work”. This was all like reading an addictive hentai that one didn’t want to stop reading. Both didn’t want the ecstasy to end.

            After what seemed like hours aboard the Pleasure Express, Rob exploded wildly in Noiz-sama’s cherry sweet mouth. Noiz-sama paused in confused happiness. She slowly pulled away and sat up. The couple eyed each other in silence. Noiz-sama’s cheeks were filled with hot cum. She wanted to savor the flavor as long as she could. Rob just tasted that good! His cum was sweeter than cotton candy. Oh, this was the true nectar of the gods!

            Noiz-sama was finally able to bring herself to swallow the sweetness. Rob just watched her in silence. He was like a moth attracted to fire. Noiz-sama’s sweet lips curved into a cute and sexy smile.

            “You taste delicious!” she whispered seductively. Rob just blushed.

            Noiz-sama lied down beside him. Rob wondered what was on her mind now. His mistress smiled sweetly.

            “You want to ride me?” asked in a naughty tone. Rob chuckled and gave her a little smile.

            “Nah,” the pet said gently. “I think I’m too tired for that.” Noiz-sama just smiled and cuddled close to him on her stomach. Rob used the remainder of his strength to hold his girlfriend close. Noiz-sama closed her sugary brown eyes and smiled.

            “Mmm… you feel nice….” she murmured dreamily. Rob blushed again.

            “So do you.” he whispered back. Noiz-sama didn’t respond. She was already dreaming. Rob just smiled to himself. He lightly kissed her on the forehead.

            “Good night love.” Rob whispered. He let her soft breathing carry him off to a peaceful sleep.