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Pleasure Flight

Naoko was helped into his seat as the flight attendant smiled. He looked around at his new settings. There was thirty men and women already seated and buckled up. The mouse boy fastened his seat belt as well. He figured that he would roll with it like he had been doing so far.

“Excuse me?” a small voice asked. “Excuse me?” The mouse boy turned his head. A petite woman with blonde hair to her shoulders had her face inches away from his. Her big green eyes made him blush.

“Is this seat taken?” the woman asked. Mosh quickly shook his head.

“No!” he said. “Go ahead.”

“Thank you,” she said with a bow. The young woman sat down and buckled up. Her soft bubble gum perfume teased his nose.

“Uh… so what’s your name?” he asked.

“Billie,” the woman said. “And you are?”

“Naoko,” the mouse boy said. “Nice to meet you.” The pair shook hands. A short ringing sound filled the air.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the pilot’s smooth voice flooded the speakers. “Welcome aboard Flight Venus. I am your captain Cupid. My co-pilot, Hedone, and I will see you through this lovely flight to the next circle. Once we go through the safety drill, we will be taking off shortly. The flight attendants will see to all of your needs. So sit back and enjoy your flight. Thank you for flying with us.” The flight attendants ran through the drill and the plane took off.


Naoko turned to Billie on his left.

“So who are you trying to see?” he asked. The young woman smiled.

“My husband,” she replied.

“Aw, how long have you two been married?” he asked.

“Fifty years.”

Naoko stared at with big eyes. “Fifty years?!”

“That’s right,” Billie said. The mouse boy looked her up and down.

“You look amazing,” he said.

"Thank you," she said, giggling. "When I came here, they gave me back my youth." Naoko whistled.

"Wow," he said. "They can do that?"

"Of course."


A flight attendant in a pink uniform rolled up with a white tray. "Good evening. Dinner will be wheeled out shortly. What can I get for you to drink?" Billie looked over at the tray.

“What all do you have?” she asked.

“Coffee, tea, juice, milk, soft drinks, and some alcohol,” the flight attendant said.

“Do you have any Hoppi?” Billie asked at last.

“I sure do.”

“Will it cost me anything? I don’t have any money.”

The flight attendant giggled. “Everything is free on this plane.” Naoko and Billie looked at her with their mouths wide open.

“Are you serious?” the mouse boy asked.

“Yes,” the flight attendant said.

“Okay, I’ll take Hoppi,” Billie said.

“Okay,” the younger woman said. She handed the female passenger a cold, fresh bottle of Hoppi.

“Thank you,” Billie said.

“And you?” the flight attendant asked. Naoko looked over at the tray.

“Do you have any fruity milk?” he asked.

“Coming up,” she said. The flight attendant handed him his milk.

“Thank you,” Naoko said.

“Dinner will be rolled really soon,” the flight attendant said. The mouse boy waved as she rolled her cart away. He twisted the cap and took a drink of the milk. To his surprise, it tasted really good.