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Chapter Three: Queen Seduction:

I play my game well. I’ve had the practice. You’ve seen me in action. I can’t tell you all of my secrets. But, you came all this way. I’ll give you a little something.

First, I don’t try too hard. It should come naturally. Think of it like breathing. I just picture what I want and go from there. Let me break it down for you.

I know what I want. No questions. That’s the first step to anything. Confidence plays a huge role in it. Men like a woman who knows what she wants and who she is. But, there are other elements involved too. Listen if you’re smart.

I know what I want. So, how do I get it? Desperation is never a good thing. Be causal. You have to keep it simple. Picture what you want. When you see it, make the first move. Waiting around for our prize to come to you is so lame and old fashioned. Come on, girls! This is the modern age! Take action, damn it! Be a queen for crying out loud! Anyway, you have to make the first move.

Walk over causally to your man, or woman, and say hello. Nothing more, nothing less. Just say a normal hello. Introduce yourself and do the small talk. It’s not my style to be frank. I like to go bold.

A little flash of cleavage. A light touch. Maybe smile a bit. Don’t overdo it. You don’t want to scare him off.

A bit much to take in? A little too much for you to follow?

Let me show you how it’s done.