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Chapter Twenty-Six: Up to No Good:

Tonight’s party started with good news in the mail. Rob went out and got their mail like her normally did. He had Andrea forward his mail to him at Sakura Ai Palace. She happily did so. Rob looked through each piece of mail carefully. So far, he only saw bills. Then, there it was. The exam results from Tokyo Art University. Rob’s heart pounded faster. Here it was. The moment of truth. The mouse’s future lied in this envelope. He could barely move at all. The boy gave it his all on the exam. It wasn’t that hard either. But Japanese schools could be so picky. Did he make the cut? Only one way to see.

Rob slowly opened the envelope. He pulled out a packet. The mouse slowly read the letter inside.

“Dear Rob Benson,” he read to himself softly. “We are happy to announce that you have been accepted into Tokyo Art University!” Joy exploded inside of him. He made it! He actually made it into TAU!!! Rob raced all the way back to the house. He picked up his cell phone and dialed his lover. The phone rang on the other line. Rob waited in excitement.

“Come on,” he mumbled to himself. “Pick up! Pick up!”

“Hello?” Noiz asked when she answered her phone.

“Great news!” Rob called out. “I made it in!”

“You did?” his kitty asked happily. “You made it into TAU?”

“Yeah!” Rob called out.

“That’s so great!” the mistress called out loud. “We’ll have to celebrate tonight!” Rob’s eyes lit up in delight.

“How so?” he asked.

“Oh, you’ll see!” Noiz said in a naughty way. Then, she hung up. Rob grinned in high excitement. He just loved his kitty’s sexy little surprises. Tonight promised something big. A whole night of playtime, maybe? He would have to see.

The tonight started off simple enough. Rob greeted Noiz at the door. She looked pretty dolled up today. Noiz droned a mint green silk cheongsam to her ankles. Little black geta made her feet look a princess’. Her hair and make-up completed her looks. Rob looked her up and down in hungry desire. Noiz smiled at him in a naughty way.

“Ready to celebrate?” she asked him in matching tone. Rob’s face turned bright red. He couldn’t talk at all. All the mouse could do was nod. Noiz grinned at him still. She leaned in close to his ear.

“Good,” the cat whispered. “Let’s go.” Rob nodded at her again. Noiz took him by the hand and led him out into the yard. Tonight’s date started with dinner. Nice five-star sushi restaurant at that. Noiz’s treat of course.

“You can have anything on the menu,” she told him. Rob looked at her in surprise.

“Anything?” he asked.

“Anything,” Noiz repeated. Rob gave her a naughty grin.

“Well then,” he spoke up. “I want…” Rob looked around a bit. Noiz waited for him some. The mouse leaned into her ear and whispered his deepest desire. Noiz giggled at him boldly.

“Sorry!” she called. “That’s not on the menu here tonight!” Rob pouted at her like a little child. His mistress smiled at him with mercy.

“However,” she spoke up. “I *can* make a little acceptation tonight!” Rob’s eyes lit up in delight.

“Ooo!!!” he called out loud. Noiz held up her hand quickly.

“Not so fast!” she called out. “That’s going to be dessert! And only if you behave until then! You understand?” Rob nodded at her quickly. Noiz smiled at him boldly. May the torture begin.

“Good,” the kitty replied. “Now let us eat!”

“Okay,” Rob said softly. The cat smiled at him again.

“Good boy!” she said wickedly. Rob swallowed hard. She turned up the heat by making him nervous tonight. Hot game in the making coming up. The sexy pair ordered their dinner. Everything went good from there. They got a huge platter of sushi with some tempera on the side. They ate in silence. Noiz watched her pet the whole time with hungry eyes. Rob knew exactly what was she thinking. It scared yet excited him. He always wanted to know what that demented mind of hers thought next. It all seemed like an exciting game to him. Once they finished dinner, Noiz paid for the bill. (She wouldn’t let the mouse pay a single cent.) The kitty led him out into the night. Rob went with her quietly.

“So where are we going now, Noiz-sama?” he asked innocently. The kitty froze up in her tracks. Rob paused and watched her.

“Noiz-sama?” he asked slightly nervous. He heard snickering come out of her mouth. The mouse watched on excited-nervous. Noiz whipped around to him in a hungry lusty way. Here it came! Desserts at long last! The kitty rushed forward and tackled her pet right into the park. They landed right on the ground. Rob looked up at her happily. Noiz smirked at him boldly.

“Eat your dessert!” she commanded out loud. Rob looked up at her excited.

“Oh yes, mistress!” he cried out. “I sure will!” Noiz grinned at him boldly.

“Good boy!” she said. Then, she quickly undid his jeans. She worked them down right away. Rob began breathing like mad. He felt himself getting hard below. His lover could see the desire in his eyes. Her lips curved into a wicked smile.

“I know what you want!” she told him seductively. “Well here it is!” Noiz yanked down his boxers and spread her legs over him. Rob watched in excitement with a nosebleed. The kitty smirked at him again. She lifted up her skirt and took off her panties. She slowly took his member inside of her wet and waiting garden. Rob felt himself sinking into heavy bliss right away. His lover smiled at him wickedly and got right to work.

Who knew public shagging could give such a rush? The open night air added to the mood. That feeling made Noiz go faster and faster. Rob shut his eyes and moaned out louder.

“HARDER MISTRESS!!! I BEG OF YOU!!! HARDER!!!” the mouse yelled out loud. His kitty grinned at that little request. Aw, how could she deny him at all? Noiz complied right away. Rob moaned out louder. Both cat and mouse got lost into a sea of ecstasy. They didn’t want to come back to shore at all. They just wanted to stay drowning in the deep bliss around them. The heat between them kept them under for a long time. All under the cool summer night.

Rob came hard within his mistress. Noiz muzzled him right away with a kiss. She didn’t get off of him until he had finished. The kitty collapsed beside of him on the grass. Both looked at the stars panting. Noiz turned to her lover panting.

“Full??” she asked. Rob nodded at her right away.

“Yeah!” he called out quickly. Neither one wanted to leave at all.