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Chapter Two: Venus in Fur

Now, I have different tastes in men at different times. Depends on my mood. Sometimes, I want the innocent type. Other times, I want a bad boy. And very rarely, I go for the weird ones. Hey, if they look cute, go for ‘em! That’s what I do. Call me what you like! I don’t care!

Lately, I want a little pansy-boy. I feel “motherly” today. Like a want to make a weak boy into a man when I done with him. Yeah! But where to find a spineless little virgin boy? Hm? Hm?

I head over to Rob’s school. I look into each classroom. Usually, Tokyo High has such cute boys there. Where to begin? I keep looking. So far, nothing is grabbing my interest. The boys seem bland today. Might have to wait for tomorrow. But then, I see him. He was a young little nerd boy. A fine nerd at that. The poor soul was getting beaten up in the courtyard by three older students. I watched quietly. I felt pity for the poor soul. When I saw the boy, I was turned on to him. I suddenly wanted to “train” him. But first, I had to save him. That was an easy thing to do! I took form into a cute teacher and made my way to the boys. I whistled loudly to them. They all looked up at me.

“And what’s all this?” I asked aloud. The older boys stood straight quickly.

“Uh… nothing!” one of them cried out. I looked around a bit I saw my target lying on the ground in pain. I tried my best not to be smirking at all. I had to be convincing after all.

“It doesn’t look like nothing!” I called. I stepped forward. The bullies were really nervous. I was proud inside. I just love making little boys and grown men very nervous. It’s almost better than sex. I stepped forward again. This time, the boys backed up some. This is entertaining! I continued walking forward. The boys walked backwards in fear. I hissed at them in a vicious and seductive way. They all took off running in fear. I watched them with a smile on my face. There, problem solved.

I turned to my target. He looked at me nervously. My smile softened at him. I knelt down next him.

“There, there,” I said as I put my arm around him. “They’re gone, you’re okay now.” The nerd nodded at me. I took out a scarf and cleaned him up some. He let me do so in silence. I stuffed my scarf back into my blouse.

“What’s your name?” I asked my target.

“Tohma,” he replied with a trembling voice. “Nakamoru Tohma.” I smiled at him kindly. I picked his glasses up and put them on his face. Tohma looked at me and blushed. I kept my smile.

“Come on,” I said. “I’ll get you something to drink.” Tohma nodded at me in silence. Perfect! He’s taking the bait!

“Here,” I said. “Let me help you up.” I held out my hand to him. Tohma hesitated at first. Then, he took my hand. I helped him to his feet. I put my arm around him gently. I led him into the city.

We came to a kitten café. I took him inside and we sat near the window. I took him inside and we sat near the window. I snapped my fingers to call over the nearest waitress to our table. She hurried over to us as quickly as she could.

“Yes, ma’am?” she asked. I smiled at her richly.

“Two hot chocolates, please!” I said. The waitress wrote down the orders. She faked a smile with us.

“Coming up!” she called. Then the waitress went away. I turned back to Tohma.

“So talk to me,” I said. “What’s your problem? Why were those guys beating you up back there?” Tohma looked down at the table for a moment. He was clearly ashamed at his condition. I waited patiently. My target finally broke down.

“I’m a loser!” he whimpered out. I looked at him slightly confused.

“What do you mean?” I asked him. Tohma still didn’t look up. I lightly touched his hand.

“It’s okay,” I said. “Take your time.” Tohma breathed out uneasily.

“The guys always beat up at school,” he spoke up. “I have no friends, I’m a geek, everyone ignores me, and no girl would want to date me if I was the last guy on the planet. And I’m still a virgin!” I smiled wickedly to myself. Oh yes, Tohma is perfect.

“Oh really?” I asked him with a sweet concern.

“Yes!” Tohma wailed out. “It’s all true!” He broke down crying. Damn, this is a serious case. I better get started right away! I lifted his head slowly. Tohma looked up at me with those pretty brown eyes filled with tears. Aw, he looks so pitiful. I moved his glasses and wiped away his tears. Tohma lightly blushed at my touch. I looked him deep into the eye.

“Listen to me, Tohma!” I said to him. “You are gorgeous!” He looked at me in shock. My target thought that I lost my mind. I could see it on his face.

“What do you mean?” he asked me. “Is this some kin of joke? Did anyone put you up to this?” I shook my head softly at him.

“No,” I said. “In fact, here…” I reached forward and slowly took off his glasses. Tohma blushed at my touch. I set his glasses down on the table. I looked at him and smiled.

“My!” I called. “You’re much cuter than I thought!” He was really blushing now. I couldn’t resist anymore. I leaned forward and kissed Tohma on the lips. He really wasn’t expecting that from a teacher. Oh well, class is now in session. Damn, Tohma kisses great for a nerd. I slowly pulled from him. I looked into his lovely brown eyes once again.

“You sure that you never had a girlfriend before?” I asked him uncertain.

“Y-Yes!” Tohma stammered out all red-faced. I smiled at him richly. I leaned in close to my target.

“Finish your drink first,” I whispered to him. “I’ll give you a private lesson afterwards.” Tohma really froze up there. I smiled at him wickedly. I leaned in again.

“Just nod if you have to,” I said simply. Tohma did so with a red face. I smirked at him. Good. Now I have him. Right then, the waitress came with our hot chocolates. She served it to us semi-bitterly. I smiled at her.

“Arigato!” I said to her. The stupid girl just rolled her eyes at me. Then she saw my target. He was still blushing. A puzzled look came on her face.

“What’s with him?” she asked me. I shrugged innocently.

“Not much,” I lied. “Hey do me a favor; I would like some of your famous chocolates to go, please.” I winked at her. The waitress nodded and left. I turned back to Tohma. He was still blushing. I smiled at him kindly.

“Just drink up,” I said. “You’ll feel better again.” Tohma nodded at me and took a sip. He cooled down some. I took a drink myself. Mmm. Good as usual. But not as good as my target. I’ll get to that later. Must finish hot chocolate first. I paid the bill when we were finished. I turned to my target.

“Come on,” I said. “Let’s go.” Tohma turned red again. I smiled at him kindly. I gently touched his hand.

“Just breathe,” I told him. “I’m not going to bite you or anything.” Tohma nodded at me with a red face. I smiled at him wickedly. Time to get to work. I stood up and helped my target to his feet. He was like my stringed puppet. This needed a bit of a kick-start. I lightly kissed him on the lips. I felt him relax under me. I rubbed his shoulders slowly. When I started him up, I pulled away from him slowly. Tohma looked at me like a whimpering little puppy. I smiled at him wicked.

“Come on,” I whispered to my target. “I’ve got another place we could go to.” Tohma went red at me and nodded. I took him by the hand and led him out of the café.

I took him to my secret place. I let him go in first. I pushed him down onto my bed. Tohma looked at me bewildered. I climbed on top and smiled at him wickedly. The poor boy was sweating all over.

“S-Sama!” he called out. “Wha- What are you doing?” I smirked at him as I gently put my finger over his lips.

“Shhh!” I said to him. “Just follow my lead. Okay?” Tohma nodded at me while big eyes. I smiled at him wickedly.

“Good,” I told him. Then, I sat up some. Tohma watched closely. I kept my naughty smile.

“Today,” I announced. “I am going to make you into a man!” Tohma’s eyes grew wide in shock. I knelt down to him.

“Just relax,” I whispered to my target. He was trembling all over again. Aw, man! Enough with the games! It’s time to get to work. I knelt down and kissed him on the lips gently. He relaxed and kissed back. I kissed him again and again. I moved my hands to his jacket and slowly began unbuttoning it. So far, he was good with it. Hm, he’s relaxing already. Now to really work him up! I slid off jacket and got started on his shirt. The mood changed rapidly. Tohma became nervous and trembling all over. I stopped kissing him and looked down at him with some mercy. I kissed him on the forehead. Tohma blushed at my kiss. I smiled at him sweetly. I shook my head at him.

“You’re doing it again!” I called. “Just relax!” Tohma was trembling all over. I smirked at him. I decided to change directions. I sat back smiling at him. He needs some teasing. I slowly began unbuttoning my blouse. Tohma stared at me smiled to myself. Good, he’s getting into it again. I slowly and sexually slid off my blouse. My black Viki Secret bra was exposed to him. Tohma’s eyes grew got to work on my bra. My target was really red now. I smiled at my results. The straps slowly slid off and my sexy chest was exposed to him. Tohma could barely move. I can see that he wants me. He just needs a little more... direction.

I gently picked up his hand and put it to my hand. Tohma began breathing rapidly. I kept his fingers firm in place.

“Feels nice, huh?” I asked. He couldn’t answer at first. I waited for a moment. I felt him getting hard at my thigh.

“Y-Yes!” Tohma blurted out. “It feels nice!” I smiled at him and knelt down for another kiss. He easily kissed me back. I went down on him in seconds. He boldly slipped his tongue into my mouth. Much better, he’s catching on. We’re getting somewhere! I finished unbuttoning his shirt and slid it off. Oh, Tohma has a nice body. He was slender, yet pretty tone. A little more work and he would be perfect.

“You look hot!” I said in between kisses. Tohma blushed again. I giggled at his reaction.

“I don’t hear that often!” he said.

“Don’t know why!” I said. “Because it is true.”

“Thanks!” Tohma called. I smiled at him and grabbed on his pants. I undid them and yanked them down. The shock was lessened some. He’s getting used to it. But we’re just not there yet. I threw the pants to the floor and grabbed his boxers. I ripped them off and threw them to the floor. He was naked and exposed to me. I was really hungry now! I really did great this time. Now to begin his “training.”

I unzipped my skirt and slid it off. Tohma became excited again. I smirked as I as slid off my pantyhose for him. He really liked the show. I gave him more when I took off my panties. I pushed his legs apart and mounted him. I took his hard member and slid it inside of me. I then got right to work.

I didn’t hold back on Tohma at all. I gave it my best for him. I had to in order to “train” him for my “course.” Tohma meanwhile was enjoying himself. He was yelled out in bliss.

“HARDER MISTRESS!!!” Tohma yelled out. “I’M BEGGING YOU, HARDER!!!” I happily sped up for him. I was impressed by Tohma. He’s so good for a newbie. A little rough, but I’ll work on him! He’ll be a sex god and begging for more when I get done with him! Oh yeah! I know, because I feel it!

Tohma came inside of me with a yell.

“MISTRESS!!!” he cried. I yelped aloud happily. I sat on him panting. I looked down at my target. The boy was panting happily. I smiled at my work. I have done it! I have introduced Tohma to my dark and sexy world. In a few more hot “lessons” and Tohma would be a man. I rolled off of him and landed next to him. He turned to me smiling.

“How was I?” he asked me. I smiled back at him. I leaned in close to his ear. My breath lightly touched his skin.

“You were good,” I replied. “You need a little work, but good.” Tohma blushed at me again. I smiled at him wickedly.

“But don’t worry,” I went on. “I’ll help you iron out the kinks.” Then, I gave him a little kiss on the lips. He kissed me back. I lied beside of him until Tohma fell right asleep. Then I got up, got dressed, and walked out. (What? You were expecting me to stay? Sorry, I’m a girl on the move! I love ‘em and leave ‘em. That’s how I roll! I don’t do that cuddling shit! That’s more of Noiz and Good Noiz’s area. Deal with it!)