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    Chapter Five: The Way Things Are:

    Pandora walked over to the window and drew open the blinds. Naoko squinted in pain.

    "Too bright!!!" he wailed. "My eyes hurt!"

    "Oh, get over it, you big baby!" the kitty doll barked. "We'll get some curtains later!" Her owner looked at her confused.

    "How?" he asked. "I don't have any money.

    "You'll get a job," Pandora answered. "But until then, we'll have to go to the charity banks." The mouse still looked lost.

    "Charity bank?" he asked. "What is that?" Pandora looked at him as if he was crazy.

    "Did the cops tell you anything?" she asked.

    "The cops *never* told me *anything*! They were so busy trying to throw me jail!" the mouse reminded her. Pandora thought about that for a moment. Time to help the poor sucker out. She sat down near the window.

    "Come, sit down, I'll tell you what you need to know," Pandora said. Naoko looked on uneasily at her. The kitty sighed.

    "Oh come on!" she barked. "I'm not going to eat you or anything! I just want to talk!" Her master didn't seem to buy it at first. But then, he finally sat down. Pandora gave him a little smile.

    "Charities banks are places that give newcomers and new couples the things that they need," she explained. "However, these places are limited." Naoko looked at her confused.

    "Why is that?" he asked.

    "The first few times are good, but someone keeps coming back to the charities banks, they are heavily looked down upon," the cat explained. "They really want you to get job in Neo-Tokyo." That reminded her of another point. "Uh, Naoko?" Pandora spoke up. The mouse stared on at her.

    "Yeah?" he asked.

    "You don't have your paperwork in yet, do you?" the doll asked.

    "No," the mouse answered. His doll winced as if in pain.

    "Ooo!" she hissed. "That's going be tough without a pass. When do you get your paperwork finished?"

    "In a couple of days," Naoko answered. Pandora took a moment to think about that.

    "Hm," she said. "I guess we could wing it until then. It will still be hard to live without a pass in the city." Naoko looked at her confused.

    "Why is it so important for me to have a pass anyway?" he asked. Pandora sighed.

    "A pass gets you food, clothes, access to places, things you want, jobs, you name it, you can get it with a pass in Neo-Tokyo!" she explained as if it was a no-brainer. Naoko still didn't get it.

    "What's on these passes for that?" he asked.

    "Money, of course!" the doll replied. "And your personal information!" The mouse looked at her with wide eyes.

    "You can actually do all of that?" he asked. "I had no idea!" Pandora sighed again. She would have to work on him. Why did she have to get stuck with an idiot? Still, she needed him and he needed her. So, she guessed it couldn't hurt...