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Chapter Three: Worked Up:

Mosh couldn’t think straight anymore. Noiz had messed with his head. He just couldn’t figure her out. What the hell just happened back there? The mouse tried to piece it all together. He was late for class—fact. The teacher held him back after class—fact. Then, she ordered him to strip. That’s where it all got confusing. Mosh closed his eyes and shook his head. A teacher wasn’t supposed to do that to a student, right? But at the same time, it was pretty hot.

Mosh shook his head fiercely. No, no, no! I can’t be thinking about her like that! She’s my teacher! He took in heavy breaths to calm himself down. The subway pulled to a stop once he felt better.

“You have now reached the red platform,” the announcer said. “Please be careful while exiting.” Mosh gathered up his things and left the train. The walk home was filled with more confusion. His cheeks reddened as he thought about her hand on his member again. Oh, it felt so warm. She vowed to make him into a man. Through sex, huh? Mosh quickly shut his eyes and shook his head. No, she’s my teacher! He pushed himself to run home to his apartment. The mouse unlocked the door and went inside.

The silent darkness seemed to help clear his head. Mosh looked around his apartment. Empty. He never had any roommates to live with him. That was more like a double-edge sword to him. On the one hand, he had no one to tease him about him blushing and his virginity, but he also him no one to talk to. Mosh sighed to himself. Just forget about today and move on with life. He walked into his apartment and set down his book bag. The mouse had dinner and took a shower.

But while having the hot shower, Mosh’s mind drifted back to Noiz and her semi-hand job tonight. He began to wonder how her bare skin felt against his own. He wanted to hear her screaming his name over and over again. If she could do all of that with her hand, Mosh thought about what else she could do with the rest of that hot little body of hers. He was now dying just to find out for himself. There were so many things he wanted to know about Noiz-sama. Hell, the boy even wondered how his member felt inside of her…

Mosh trembled despite the heat around him. Oh dear, his mind wasn’t going to get any rest tonight, was it? Looks like he’ll have to make the most of it for the time being. So, the mouse finished his shower, put on his night clothes, and went to bed. Even in his dreams, Noiz was working on her program to make the mouse into a man. He just couldn’t seem to escape such a vicarious, provocative teacher.