The existence of the artificialities in the world does not change the human nature, so what comes to humans and other living beings the answer to the question, what gives the best working ability, best functioning and most intelligent, stays the same: Gaia gives, Gaia with Gaia like ways of living gives the best working ability. Also if one wants top control human, one should not go between humans and the answering of their needs, because such forces the humans to a rebellion, so Gaia for Gaia is the answer for a governor too. Even for an army, Gaia for Gaia gives the best result!
Why is this so hard to notice? This far we have been optimising the machines, the artificialities and not the humans. That's why the attention has been on the artificialitties. But now as machines have developed enermously and humans not at all, we begin to see that machines have to adabt to the human nature but human nature cannot adabt to the machines. We are still creatures of Gaia, working for just Gaia. That's what our lives and functioning, including our working ability, are based on. If we try to change that ground, we get elss well working solutions or completely broken people with no working ability at all. The evolution left the essential and nothing more: we need our feelings, the sense of beauty, even music. There are no spuerfluous parts in us. Read my text about the rationality of feelings!
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