The Model

This is a theory about what are the healthy functional parts, healthy individuals, healthy societies and the healthy biosphere like. They are each by their nature, and that means by their principles of functioning, parts of even larger wholes: the parts being interconnected with the other sides of a healthy individual, the individuals forming the society which is a part of the healthy biosphere.


The world consists of atoms (physics)
from which molecules are build (chemistry)
which in turn form substances in larger quantities
from which the living organisms are build (biology):
cells and
from them functional parts of organisms and
from those whole living beings (which may form packs).
And these are parts of ecosystems in different types of environments and climates forming Gaia i.e. the living kind with its natural living environment.


It is the healthy parts upon which complex structures are built, upon which their functioning depends. If one breaks one of these wholes, are its building parts the only functioning parts left of that whole. Those are all lower level wholes. Because the wholes are very complex, one cannot easily form from the lower level parts as well functioning wholes. So all the functioning is build upon healthy pieces of the above model: the world is a kind of sum of the basic level phenomena.

THE HEALTHY WINS IF THE STRONGEST ONE WINS I.E. THE HEALTHY SYSTEM IS THE MOST OPTIMISED SOLUTION "Optimised" means most force, most capacity, best functioning with the smallest effort, or best functioning based on a certain set of building blocks.

According to the above model, ALL BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING IS BUILD UPON HEALTHY PIECES OF THE WHOLE HEALTHY BIOSPHERE, Gaia paradise, AND THE BEST FUNCTIONING IS REACHED BY THE WHOLE HEALTHY BIOSPHERE, Gaia paradise, because in it is each building block in its natural place in the whole, so also all the environmental requirements of the living beings are fullfilled.

This is the basic idea of my texts!

So, in order to understand how living systems and their parts function, it is sufficient to examine how the healthy systems and healthy parts function.

If the strongest one wins, global nature paradise Gaia wins!

If a paradise upon Earth is the winning solution, then many forces which nowadays force us away from a paradise, turn to forces which guide the world toward a paradise. Maybe all the road isn't ready yet but with such masses of help it will soon be made ready.

The world is created by what we do.
If we by our own actions create a hell, we have to live in that hell.
If we by our own actions create a nature paradise, we can live in it.


These thoughts
Seeing that the world is build upon the healthy and not upon the broken
Healthy social life

My Favorite Things About Angelfire
