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Technology In The Art Room
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Technology Tools In The Art Room
Artist have always been open to using new technologies in creating their artworks. Simple technologies such as the pencil and paintbrush are so familiar now to artists that they would be hard pressed to create without them. When tubes of oil paint were invented, it freed artists from the studio. This allowed them to paint outdoors, capturing their subjects using the proper colors and lighting as the artist saw them in real life, rather from memory or sketches. With the invention of plastics, artists quickly incorporated it as a sculptural medium. In Sculpting and Computers,   [1] O’Connell describes how two professional sculptors use computers to create three- dimensional sculptures. As new technologies are invented, art teachers must  expose their students to these technologies to assure that their students are utilizing the best possible medium to explore and create art, as well as express themselves. Here I will explore a few of the most popular technology tools that can truly benefit art students and teachers in the art room. By no means am I suggesting that these are the only "techie tools" that work well in the art room, but they offer a great place to start integrating technology.


A camera that stores images in a digital format rather than recording them on film. Once a picture has been taken, it can be transferred to a computer using a camera dock, usb cord, or by inserting the cameras memory card into the computer. Images can then manipulated with a graphics program such as PhotoShop and printed.


Computer Program usually stored on a CD-Rom that can be completely installed to a computer or accessed directly from the CD-Rom if placed in the CD-Rom drive. Software for Art usually serves one of two purposes: a research tool or a creativity tool.


graphics tablet (or digitizing tablet) is a computer device that allows for a relatively simple method of inputting hand-drawn graphics or art. This input can be in the form of an actual Tablet Pc or a peripheral for the PC that is attached using a USB cord. The most popular are Microsoft's Tablet PC and Wacom's tablet. 


the internet is a wonderful resource for learning about different artists, styles, mediums, sharing artwork and lesson plans, as well as discussing art.


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Last modified: 07/18/06