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  Roasted Garlic-Laksa Sourdough


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Sourdough with Roasted Garlic and Laksa leaves

I have been baking with commercial yeast for some time and now its back to Sourdough. Since my baker friend requested for a loaf of my bread to try, I decided to oblige him by making something flavorful. The loaf has a 30% sourdough starter. I decided on a 75% hydration dough. I roasted 2 cloves of garlic and threw in some laksa leaves. I must say that I am now a fan of laksa leaves and I think it makes a nice local touch to sourdough baking here in Singapore.

Only one loaf turn out looking acceptable.

Instead of a lame, I slashed them with a serrated knife to see if it works out.


Chunks of roasted garlic with herbs embedded in the crumb.



















This site was last updated 07/11/06