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  Jackfruit Bread


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Jackfruit Bread

Jackfruit Raisin Bread

Baking your own bread means that you can throw in anything you fancy. I had had a bit of baking withdrawal symptoms because of my other commitments. I had been busy with my duties as a committee member in a IEEE conference. The conference had been very successful but now, its back to what's really exciting - Bread making. Although I had not been able to bake my own bread last week, I was able to taste some of the breads made by the hotel cafe. There was quite a range of breads offered by the cafe and to their credit, it was very good bread. The breads I sampled there included dark rye bread, walnut bread, ciabatta and some herb breads.

This week, the local fruit seller persuaded me to buy more jackfruit. I bought a little more than usual as her husband were removing them fresh from a fruit which he was opening up. They were very fragrant and I decided to make bread with it on a whim. I used a standard white loaf recipe. I usually do this because I am not a fan of enriched dough which are usually made with milk, eggs and sugar.

The loaves were over-proofed unfortunately and did not turn out as well as I had hoped. It was supposed to have a higher volume but then they were over-proofed by half and hour. However, their aroma more than compensated for the lack of height. The flavor of the jackfruit went very well with the bread and I am very sure that it will receive positive reviews from those who try it.

The jackfruit add a very nice fruity flavor to the bread.










This site was last updated 10/01/06