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The Lady Brincillay

She folded her arms, threw back her head with a gulp of air, and then rocked a little on her heels, as if she was planting herself for a charge. Dorren, watching in fascination, thought she looked as if she should be moving even when standing still. A soul-painter would have used the blue of lightning for her, trying in vain to capture the caged motion. --The Horns of Morning.

Lady Brincillay was one of the few Heirs to the Durillo lands not born in the direct line. She was the niece of the Lord Westgaze, chosen by him as Heir when his bride died and left him childless. He would not wed simply to produce children, but as the Durillo line had to continue, he chose Brincillay.

Brincillay's name meant "stormborn," "born of tempest" (Primal, brin 'storm' + cillay 'born,' past participle of cilly, 'to bear a child.') She had long red-gold hair and brilliant blue eyes. Among the Heirs of the lines at the time of the Morning Rebellion, she was held to be the best swordswoman in Rowan.

She became the Lady of her line in that Rebellion, and ruled harshly and yet wisely. She would tolerate no rebellion, and little dissension; but if one could best her with a sword on the field of battle, or move her to tears with a song, she was likely to listen. She married Anderian Hawkseeker, it is said, when he performed one of these feats; but which it was, she never said.

Brincillay had two children, Melenwa her son and Mocrada her daughter. When Mocrada fled from Rowan to marry a shadowed Elwen, Brincillay cast herself from the city in grief. She would come at times to the councils of Rowan, but never for long. When the War of Acceptance came, and the humans fell on the small village of Heleņa where she had been dwelling, she challenged the best among them to battle. It is said that the leader of the force, Naldanie, accepted her challenge- an unusual thing, for humans did not often fight women, nor permit their own females to handle weapons. Brincillay received her deathwound- on purpose- in that battle, and slew Naldanie as she fell, using the power of her death to release a firestorm that took all his troops. The village of Heleņa was renamed Dariebea, Ladyshold, in her honor.

"Fiena ralenmir, arin arimir," the bards sing of her still. Soul like lightning, heart like fire.

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