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The Ravenshadows. The children of the Goddess Tirosina.

Youngest but one of the high blood lines, the Ravenshadows have always been looked on with suspicion by the others. Their beginning came in a battle with the Lord Derfa Summerfire, when Tirosina, wanting to oppose the chaotic force of the wild magic's avatar, poured her own force into a woman known as Talantin Leafdancer. Talantin sustained the flow and killed the Lord Derfa, and since then the Ravenshadows have acted as safeguards against the excesses of the Summerfire line.

The high blood magic and the goddess's magic together make the Ravenshadows a particular potent combination, and it is perhaps no surprise that one of their number, the Lord Briery, showed up with the other high blood lords and ladies during the Questing. He demanded a place among the others, and was given it, grudgingly. The Lord Briery moved to Rowan after the crumbling of the Defense, and married and raised a child there.

This child, the Lady Fellastal, was perhaps the most powerful priestess of Tirosina in history. She returned to Audiaurea and opposed the excesses of the Summerfire line once again. Sometimes she is thought to have averted war between Summerfire and the other southern powers single-handedly.

Ravenshadow has not yet had its Flowering, though some argue that it was the Lady Fellastal. They remain alive to this day, steering a dangerous path between serving their goddess and serving the stars and the high blood magic.