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The Summerfires

The Summerfires

The Summerfires.

Proud heirs of the wild magic, its avatars, its servants, forever balanced between service and their own hearts. They guard the people of Summerfire, and yet this is a tiresome, wearying task. Who can blame them if their eyes occasionally turn to other horizons?

The Summerfires were the first of the high blood lines founded after the Change. In the third year of the Age of Magic, the Lord Frief Derme fled the Oasis, where he had been Changed and entrapped, and began a great journey north. The wild magic came to him with visions of Summerfire, and promised him that he could create a haven that was safe from the wild magic's darker effects...if he would do as it said. The Lord Derme at first refused the visions, but later, when he was persuaded of their truth, accepted and founded the city. He even refused another manifestation of the wild magic that would have Changed him back into a normal land Elwen. It was at that moment that he became high blood, a trait he would pass on to his descendants.

The Summerfire line served long and heroically, though it was not until the Age of Glory that it became known to Elwens outside Audiaurea. Then, the Lord Damiel became interested in Escorie of the eluvori and determined to help her in her quest of founding a new Forest as a homeland of her people. In the end, both of them passed away into the south, and what became of them was unknown. The Lord Damiel was the first Lord of Summerfire to forsake the service of his people. But though the wild magic abandoned him because of it, the high blood magic did not. It is unknown why, though his actions apparently served some heroic purpose.

Later in the Age of Glory, Lord Derlian suffered a terrible, crushing loss in love that caused him to harshly react against the southern Audvelyn nation of Emelira when it came marching north to take Summerfire's land. (The tale of this loss of love is told in Derlian and Mariera.) The way he defended his people is still renowned in song.

Summerfire and its Lords have continued to exist since, defiant, half-mad since Derlian, but clinging to sanity and the wild magic to serve their people.