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Aril/English Dictionary- Risir Arillar/Umanirinlar



aberthal: 1. To commission a person to make something (a work of art, etc.) Transitive verb, used with accusative case. 2. To charge a person with a particular mission or task. Transitive verb, used with dative case.

-ada: 1. Common ending, meaning ‘infused with, filled with.’ As in telada ‘soaked.’ 2. Common ending, meaning ‘covered with, permeated with.’ As in crithada ‘covered with snow.’ Before a case ending beginning with a vowel, drops the final –a and takes the vowel in its place. Caliñedi teladedi, ‘within a water-soaked house.’

adar: 1. To change, make changes to. 2. To translate; transliterate. Transitive verb.

adél: 1. To change oneself. Transitive verb. 2. To be in a state of personal flux, heart and mind pivoting towards some new goal. Intransitive verb.

-ae: General adverbial ending, usually suffixed to adjectives but sometimes also to nouns.

al: At, in the exact same physical place as (a particular point in space): ton al, ‘at the ocean,’ mara al ‘at a friend’s house.’ Postposition.

ala: High; lofty. Usage Note: Used exclusively in the physical sense of height. For figurative sense, see cara and lis, among other words.

alar: 1. To ascend, mount, climb. Transitive verb. 2. To arise (of the sun). Intransitive verb.

alardo: Sunrise. First declension noun.

alatha: Afar, high above (used most commonly of stars, planets, or other heavenly lights or bodies; figuratively of the heart and emotions). Postposition.

alél: 1. To uplift a part of the body, such as the hands. Transitive verb, used with the dative case. 2. To raise, lift, or hold something into the air. Transitive verb, used with the accusative case.

alha: 1. Child, in the sense of blood kinship. First declension noun. 2. The future, the unborn. Fifth declension noun.

alúcani: Greetings, hello. Used towards any group of persons, or a single individual of whom one knows nothing.

alyn: With me. First person singular comitative casoid.

amal: To laugh in uncomplicated, innocent joy. Intransitive verb.

amaled: 1. Worthy, responsible, trusted individual; usually adult, but not always. 2. An Elwen among Elwens, best of the best. Second declension noun.

amalnida: Pure, joyous awe. First declension noun, no plural.

amath: 1. Crossroad; place where two or more trails meet or cross. Second declension noun. 2. Rendezvous point; meeting place for two or more friends. Fifth declension noun. [Shortening of ama thassan, 'joy of the ways,' old colloqualism for a meeting of friends. See AMA, THAD].

amin: Me. First person singular accusative casoid.

amonor: 1. To call, name. Transitive verb. 2. To give a word (to); to name a concept, thing, or person that had no word before. Transitive verb.

-ana: Case ending suggesting “into,” entrance, as irana ‘into the river’ or faladana ‘into the cave.’

ananda: Rainbow. First declension noun.

anata: Duel-anger, anger that can be exorcised by one death or act. First declension noun, no plural.

anti: 1. Characteristic of the present day or time; “modern.” 2. Something invented for the sake of invention, and distrusted; “newfangled.”

aon: To me. First person singular dative casoid.

ar: Individual, land Elwen, Elwen, person. No plural form exists. Noun, irregular.

aral: Incomparably beautiful. Undeclinable adjective.

arda: 1. Vault; high, curved roof supported by ribs or columns. 2. A high, curved dome supported in the same way. First declension noun.

ari: Fire. First declension noun. Adjective is arial, “fiery.”

ariata: Fire-anger, anger that permits the calling of magical fire. First-declension noun.

Aril: 1. The language of the land Elwens, retaining this name throughout the Third Era. Second/third declension noun. 2. The High Tongue of Rowan as it was used in the Age of Arcadia.

ariltoceta: Vengeance-rage, the mightiest emotion a land Elwen feels, demanding death for the sake of the wronged. First-declension noun, no plural.

arimon: Night; period of darkness from sunset to sunrise. Third declension noun.

arin: 1. Heart; soul, in the sense that most races mean it. Part of the inner being. 2. The will that makes choices, the most sacred right of Elwens. Second declension noun.

ariso: Star. Used almost exclusively of the silver stars, which land Elwens can see. Third declension noun.

ariv: Sun. Second declension noun. The plural form, arivi, has acquired a special meaning as “battle-glory, light flashing off a sword.”

arti: Heavens, firmament. Fifth declension noun. Used only of the physical sky, not of the life-beyond-death that most races believe in.

aruel: To guard (a person); used of the grace and favor of the gods or higher powers. Transitive verb.

aryn: Deep valley or dell surrounded by bluffs, such as the one in which Rowan lies. Second declension noun.

asolde: 1. Starlight. First declension noun. 2. Something unbelievably high, perfect, and good; perfection.

-ath: Case ending signifying “beyond,” with no mention of distance.

athan: Chamber; room within a larger surrounding of walls, usually set aside for a particular purpose. Second declension noun.

ayn: 1. Stone, piece of rock. First declension noun. 2. Rock, stone (partitive). Fifth declension noun.

aynda: Loyalty; steadfast faith to a person, place, or thing. First declension noun. [Lit. ‘stone-passion’ from AYN + Primal –da, ‘passion, emotion.]

azuel: To protect (a person). Used of mortal force (a mother protecting a child, for instance). Transitive verb.


bea: 1. Stronghold; dwelling used in times of war as a fortress. 2. Village or other place used as a base in times of war, for raiding parties or the like. First declension noun.

béama: A large white flower; applies most often to lilies, but also sometimes used of smaller ones. First declension noun.

bel: To fade, lose beauty or strength; as flowers fading in the autumn. Intransitive verb.

bema: 1. For too long; sense of wasted time. Compare lelna. 2. A period of time so wasted. First declension noun.

betha: Spider. First declension noun.

bethlin: 1. Intrigue, the Game. 2. A particular kind of complicated game played by high blood families over generations, in which numbers of heroes bearing the name of that particular family are compared. [From BETHA ‘spider;’ second element obscure].

bri: Mist-gray, cloaking or shadowy gray.

briath: Mist or fog; low-lying streams of water vapor close to the ground. Third declension noun.


cagli: Free; unrestrained; free to do as one wishes. Indeclinable adjective.

cal: You. Second person singular accusative casoid.

caliña: 1. House, home (in the sense of physical dwelling). 2. A small house; hut, cottage (always implying self-built and with a degree of money, not a hovel). Third declension noun.

canech: 1. Tower, lone structure. 2. Turret or spire. Second declension noun.

cara: 1. High. 2. Elwen. 3. Right, good (according to the moral code of Elwens). 4. (in relation to events or places) Serving to set free from undeserved slavery or obligation. 5. (in relation to events or causes) All of these things at once. 6. (in relation to persons) Worthy to be served.

carar: 1. To win a victory, in battle or moral, that is deserved and not bought by bloodlust or trickery. Intransitive verb/transitive verb with dative case. 2. Such a victory or triumph. Fourth declension noun. 3. A victory won with bloodlust or trickery, but against those who deserve to be slaughtered or tricked (as curalli). Usage Note: This is often used in the Age of Arcadia as the land Elwen name for the Sublimation, and, as a verb, for any victory against humans.

carasa: Compassion; deep empathy for and understanding of the suffering of another. First declension noun. Usage Note: Is used completely separately from pity.

cas: Leaf, veined foliage growing on plants. Second declension noun.

cen: Who? Which person? Interrogative marker, usually (but not always) placed at the beginning of sentences.

chela: 1. Spring sowing or planting time; optimum day or dance for the casting of seeds. 2. A furrow dug to be filled with such seeds. First declension noun.

chelíl: Person who has come to his/her own blossoming, discovered beauty or potential. Fourth declension noun.

chelol: To bloom, blossom; burst into flower. Intransitive verb.

chelor: To bud (of trees or bushes); unfold leaves. Intransitive verb.

cheloth: 1. Blooming, bursting into flower. Second declension noun. 2. Colloquial. Spring, time of blossoming flowers. Fifth declension noun.

cíbíl: glass. Fourth declension noun. [From Kumissa chíbel, ultimately? from glass dragon cheibeil ‘I made it.’].

ciri: Winter, snow-time. Third declension noun.

coma: 1. Face; front part of the head from forehead to chin. First declension noun. 2. Front part of an army; vanguard. Fifth declension noun.

conul: 1. To move along over the ground in groups, as an army or baggage train. Intransitive verb. 2. To bear or carry (things, as opposed to people; compare elval). Transitive verb, taking the accusative case.

cora: Bloom or blossom; flower. First declension noun. Usage note: Used only of flowers standing alone, not those that grow on trees (lorsa).

-cota: Ending signifying “across,” in the sense of movement: firial toncota ‘coming across the sea.’ Compare –hau.

crendul: 1. To stand in the way of; impede. Transitive verb, used with the dative case. 2. To throw up barriers in the way of; complicate a person’s path in the hopes of obstructing them from a goal. Transitive verb, used with the accusative case (persons only).

curao: 1. Shadow (cast by the sun or moons). First declension noun. 2. An uneasiness in the heart; figurative shadow. Fifth declension noun. [From colloquial Primal curey ‘darkness, shadow,’ ultimately from curalli].


dal: Where? In what place? Particle. Used to mark the beginning of interrogative sentences dealing with place.

dalal: 1. To assemble by kind, place together; collect. 2. To compile (knowledge, information, a work). Transitive verb, used with the accusative case.

dalda: Wherein; within which. Used as a preposition.

dari: 1. Holy flame, blessed fire (esp. that used by the priests of Suulta in their ceremonies). 2. The starfire that (according to one creation myth) birthed land Elwens alone of all the Elwen races. First declension noun. [Hybrid of ARI and Primal derl ‘flame, fire.’]

darie: Lady; used of a woman whose accomplishments are known and admired, whether in battle or arts; usually the former of these. Third declension noun.

dhel: 1. Tear, drop of salt water. Fourth declension noun. 2. To weep (with tears); sob. Intransitive verb. 3. Rare and Poetic. Extreme sorrow or grief (for the loss of someone or something). Fifth declension noun.

diña: 1. Bell (made of silver, crystal, or some other sweet-sounding material). First declension noun. 2. Melodious, ringing (as a bell). Adjective.

donalon: Rebirth; growth of new wisdom or insight after a long period of despair and/or trouble. Fifth declension noun.

dorar: To rise from the earth; spring into the air, as a bird ascending or a flower blooming. Intransitive verb/transitive verb, taking a postpositional case.

drán: Dragon; great, four-legged, fire-breathing, winged, carnivorous reptile with heavy scales, intelligent and usually several hundred feet long; living mostly in Clans, mostly in the mountains. Fifth declension noun. [Adopted from Drakma, actual language of origin uncertain].

drelul: 1. To hunt; chase a specific prey, as with hounds or horses. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case. 2. To be searching without a clearly defined goal or object; wandering without purpose. Intransitive verb.

drezhan: 1. Hungry wolf-pack, as in winter. 2. Any other group of dangerous individuals bent on a common purpose—as a mob, riot, revolution, etc. Second declension noun.

-dum: Negating adjectival ending, “less,” “not.” Often used with nouns as well, as casdum ‘leafless, bare of leaves.’


-edi: Within, in the sense of physical place. Suffixed most often to dwellings.

el: To shine; radiate steady soft light, especially as applied to stars or sunlight. Intransitive verb.

ela: Gloriously alone, unique (often used of stars, or individuals that resemble them). Indeclinable adjective. [Origin uncertain; perhaps simply from Primal elw ‘star-like’].

eldhan: 1. Meritocracy, rule by worth; the governmental system most Elwen peoples follow. 2. The system present in Rowan under a worthy and chosen Councilmaster, an ilorot. 3. Governmental ideal (i.e., perfect peace or trade with a fierce rival). [Primal el ‘star’ + dhan from dhanu ‘to rule;’ lit. ‘star-government’].

elén: 1. One’s chosen country, heart-home. Second declension noun. 2. A sense of belonging, of peace and welcome; feeling of being at home. Fifth declension noun.

-ell: Suffix meaning “far off,” “afar,” in the sense of physical distance across land. Compare alatha, -ath, laned.

elos: 1. Foam, spume upon waves. Second declension noun. 2. Transience, things that fleet and pass. Fifth declension noun.

elrhial: To elwensing; to sing wordlessly with a clear voice of light and joy beneath the stars. Intransitive verb.

elrhyr: 1. Interjection or exclamation signifying “Of course!” 2. Conjunction signifying “you see,” “because of this.” [Lit. third person plural endurative tense ‘they shine forever,’ from EL].

elval: To bear, carry (a person). Transitive verb, used with the dative case.

ém: Sweet; pleasant to any sense (though especially taste or hearing). Often used of sounds.

em: Prefix signifying "all," "a group" (usually of people). Used only with nouns.

emíshíl: Scouts; men and women sent in front of an army to watch the enemy's movements. Fifth declension noun, taking a singular verb. [From shortening and corruption of old and longer emitashílam, 'those who go in front of the army in war.' See ITASH, -AM].

émral: To rejoice, make revel; celebrate some great gain or victory. Intransitive verb/transitive verb, taking the dative case.

én: Undirected anger or frustration; anger or frustration for no cause. Second declension noun. [From Primal haen ‘rage, fury’].

endha: Hand; part of the body from fingers to wrist. First declension noun.

enhal: To drown, push beneath water or another liquid until death. Transitive verb, used with accusative case.

enhelo: 1. Draught; drink of a liquid, especially a deep drink and especially from a cup or other container. 2. Squat cup for holding drink; mug or tumbler. First declension noun.

eta: 1. Complex, complicated, full of contradictions. 2. Hazardous because of such contradictions.

etasma: Anger so complicated and tangled with other emotions that it is no longer possible to perfectly isolate the cause. First declension noun.


fanos: Traitor; specifically, one who abandons his rightful people or cause for payment. Second declension noun. The plural, fanosi, has acquired a colloquial connotation of grave misfortune or devastating loss.

fanta: Jewel, precious stone prized for its color, rarity, beauty, or use. Neutral term. First declension noun.

fen: Which? What one? (out of an unknown number). Usage Note: Always immediately before the noun it is referring to.

fentui: ‘Exasperated anger; anger of parents at children.’ Sometimes used by Elwens to denote anger towards elves or humans, who often tread on Elwen boundaries they do not even understand. Fifth declension noun.

féor: 1. To sail, travel the water in a ship driven by wind. Intransitive verb. 2. A large ship driven by the wind alone, as a caravel or schooner. Fourth declension noun.

fial: 1. To die, decline (of a person’s worth, or place’s or time’s importance). 2. To set (of the sun). Intransitive verb.

fioval: 1. To tremble; waver. Intransitive verb. 2. To swing as if on a branch or string; be stirred or propelled, as by wind, while hanging from a height. Transitive verb, taking instrumentive case.

firal: 1. To come towards; approach. Intransitive/transitive verb taking the dative case. 2. To arrive. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case.

fumal: To dwell in an unpleasant place, or a place or situation distasteful to one, by necessity. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case. [From Primal fuma ‘to dwell, abide;’ negative connotation probably from cioafuma ‘to dwell in a swamp,’ name of the swamp Elwen race].

fyar: To be keenly interested in; used most often of scientific curiosity. Transitive verb, taking accusative case.


gal: 1. When, the time at which something happens/will happen. Indeclinable conjunction. 2. Fleeting time, linear time; time which passes and will not return. Fifth declension noun.

galga: 1. Age, era, or epoch; any set period of time with a certain dominant characteristic, as Galga Arosodan ‘the Age of Stars.’ First declension noun. 2. Time in general as measured by mortals. Fifth declension noun.

-gan: Adessive case ending, meaning “upon something which is not moving.” Thus, lofygan ‘upon a mountain,’ tulathgan ‘upon a meadow.’ For the other ending, see –ista.

gidas: A bridle; a combination of headstall, reins, and bit used for controlling a horse. Third declension noun.

gyal: To kill, end the life of (usually persons, but sometimes also animals or plants). Transitive verb, used with the dative case.

gyald: Death in battle, at the end of an enemy’s blade. Always implies honorable and chosen death. Fifth declension noun.

gyo: Long; wearisome; killingly long. Most often applied to time, but can also refer to journeys, wars, etc.-events that consume time.


hal: Dew, water at morning. Fourth declension noun.

hava: 1. Elven language, language spoken by elves. 2. A specific elven language, Orrea, tongue of the forestland elves of Kemiebeyst. [From Orrean ayava ‘language’].

havda: Elf. Polite term, as distinct from neutral corma or derogatory pelos. Usually indicates an elf not living among Elwens, foreign elf. [From Orrean ayavada ‘person or speaker’].

havdé: Elven; of the elves. Polite adjective. [HAVDA + É, adjectival ending].

havíl: Speaker of an elf-tongue, whether it is native or learned. [From Orrean ayava ‘language’].

-hau: Case ending indicating “across, a position across.” Usage Note: This ending is never used of movement, but only in postpositional phrases, such as loth iruhau ‘forest across a river.’

hel: Alone, without any emotional overtones. Compare ela, mela, moma, oña, umalña. [From Primal hema ‘alone’].

hir: Foot; part of the body ending the leg, consisting of an ankle, top, sole, and five toes. Third declension noun.


-ídh: Instrumentive case ending for first, second, and third declensions; “with,” “by means of.”

il: 1. Holy; sacred. 2. (of people) Worthy; Elwen.

ilcor: Beech; once considered a scared tree by land Elwens. Third declension noun.

ílma: 1. Voice; that which the intelligent races use to speak, for the most part, using words. 2. A sound made by the voice; usually a spoken word, but also wordless sounds such as sighs. First declension noun.

ilorot: 1. Councilmaster, of a land Elwen city or city ruled using a similar system. 2. A Councilmaster of Rowan chosen by the Tests and his/her own worth and courage, ruling by the will of the people. 3. Any other kind of ruler that a free land Elwen might respect; involves strict adherence to respectable Elwen codes of conduct, such as not only not keeping slaves, but actively hunting down slavers. Second declension noun.

ira: Pure, sparkling white; the color of snow upon a mountain peak.

iru: 1. River, stream; current of running water. First declension noun. 2. The River of life that runs through trees. Fifth declension noun.

-ista: Adessive case ending meaning “upon something moving.” Thus: mirista ‘upon the wind;’ olainista ‘upon the waves.’

istari: 1. Poetry, the arts of the poets. Fifth declension noun. 2. Art in general, esp. the art of wordsmithing. First declension noun.

itash: War; a clash of large or small armies, often of different races but not necessarily so, and consisting often of larger battles than common in mere skirmishes. Third declension noun.


jaimo: 1. Spiderweb. 2. Maze, esp. one built in the shape of a spiral. First declension noun.

jales: Night-singing bird; often identified with the nightingale around Rowan, but applied in other words of the world to other birds. Second declension noun.

jane: Deep (in sense of darkness or dimness).


laned: 1. In foreign countries, abroad. Used as postposition. 2. Foreign, strange; coming from a foreign country. Used as adjective. [From corruption of Primal lonaw ‘abroad,’ perhaps with addition of confusion from –EDI].

lé: Rich, deep, sappharine blue; the color of clear night skies at sunset.

lelna: For a long time; implies continuous activity.

lenar: Word borrowed from a foreign language. [From LANED].

les: Swift; great in speed, and graceful. Often used before the noun.

lir: Tree, of any type. Third declension noun.

lirar: 1. Rowan, mountain ash, orange-berried tree growing most often where land Elwens live or have lived. Third declension noun. 2. The city of Rowan. Second declension noun. [From LIR; second element related? to vanished *arat ‘supreme?’].

lis: 1. Glory; resplendent beauty and fame won by great deeds and worthiness, as in battle or ruling wisely. 2. Worth won by a great deed, as a high blood Heir proving his or her right to succeed to a title. Third declension noun.

lisha: 1. Hall; great, roofed place used for common gathering. 2. A permanent home with a high roof, intended for more than one person. Third declension noun.

lisiaron: 1. A high blood line, usually conceived of as stretching back from the ancestors to any unborn children. 2. The worth and fame of such a line, its lis. Second declension noun, more often used in singular than in plural.

lizo: Country; settled land where people live. Third declension noun.

llopan: Acid-anger, anger that permits the hurling of magical acid. Second declension noun.

loan: Hill; small mound of earth or stone, often covered with grass, and often offering a view above its surroundings. Second declension noun.

lofy: Mountain; high peak, often capped with snow, sometimes forested, sometimes rocky. First declension noun.

lorisha: Carved, polished wood, used esp. of such wood used to make chairs, and esp. such wood from the south. Third declension noun. [From Orrean loris ‘tree’].

loth: 1. Small, wild woodland or forest; not kept for any purpose. 2. Copse or grove designated as a meeting-place (for a religious group, spies, etc.). Second declension noun.


maadal: 1. To fill again, make fill to overflowing. Transitive verb, used with accusative case. 2. To heal; nurse back to health, especially of people and especially from near-death wounds. Transitive verb, used with dative case.

manas: The sound of leaves stirred by wind; supposed to be the voice of the breezes. Mostly confined to poetic use. Second declension noun.

maníl: 1. To blow (of wind). Intransitive verb. 2. To stir by means of wind. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case.

mar: Shore, strand; a narrow strip of land fronting the sea. Usage Note: Usually used only of a strip composed of grass or stone, not of sand.

mas: 1. Negating conjunction, signifying objection; “but.” 2. Doubting conjunction, signifying approximately “rather” or “rather than.”

masto: Conjunction implying continuation in spite of opposition; “yet,” “still,” “althought.”

-math: Ending signifying “under,” “beneath,” in general sense, not only that of a canopy (compare –nun). Often used with first, second, and fifth declension nouns.

mato: Again. Used after nouns (where it has force of “another”) but before verbs. Distinct from nalar.

me: There; in that place; in that aforementioned place.

mela: Alone by choice (as in self-imposed exile). [Ultimately from ELA].

melsha: Small, non-carnivorous bird; includes many types of songbirds, but not kestrels, for example. First declension noun. [From Orrean mesl ‘bird’].

-mir: Suffix signifying “like” or “exactly like.” Once an identic case ending of the third declension, now used freely throughout the noun sets.

mira: Hair; Elwen outer covering growing only on head, though sometimes all over the body in the case of the shapeshifting Elwen races. Third declension noun.

miri: Wind, moving current of air. Third declension noun.

moma: Alone and lonely (not by one’s choice); as in forced exile or abandonment. Usually used only of people. [Ultimately from OÑA].

mona: 1. Sparkling; glittering. Used of light. 2. Sparkling or glittering with a clear or silver shine. Used of water, snow, starlight, and other pale things.

mor: To fall, tumble gracefully or slowly (as a tear or a leaf). Intransitive verb/transitive verb used with postpositional case. Compare sindir.

myata: Poetic. All the peoples of the world. First declension noun, no plural. [Origin uncertain; possibly bastardized Primal meicala ‘all, a great myriad’].


na: O!, Ah! Vocative exclamation or interjection.

nain: 1. Honey; sweet liquid distilled by bees from the nectar of followers and usually found in hives. 2. Colloquial and Rude. Vaginal fluids. 3. Colloquial. Blood swallowed in battle; “battle-honey.” Second declension noun.

nalar: A second time. Distinct from mato ‘again’ which does not imply a distinct number of times. [From Primal nlair ‘again, a second time, once more’].

nalarmal: To repeat or reiterate for effect, as a word, line of poetry, dramatic gesture. Transitive verb taking the accusative case. [From Primal nlair ‘again’ + colloquial Aril mal ‘make or do’].

nan: At the same time; simultaneously; while.

ñanta: Sweet drink made from honey; mead or any other, not necessarily alcoholic. First declension noun.

narelon: Fated and blessed joining, “marriage of true minds.” Second declension noun.

naro: Romance; story about a marriage or joining. First declension noun.

nina: 1. A cold wind; a breath of air with a chill, as of snow or ice, in its teeth. Third declension noun. 2. Colloquial. The beginning of winter; late autumn or early winter. Fifth declension noun.

ñuin: 1. Cold to the touch or feel; as miri ñuin ‘cold wind, cold air.’ 2. The pale blue color of some forms of Frigidian ice.

nuinda: Interjection or exclamation signifying, “Farewell! Fare you well!”

-nun: Third declension subessive case ending, meaning “under, beneath [a canopy or cover].’ It was used almost exclusively of physical and not metaphorical things, as lornun ‘under trees’ or arosonun ‘under stars.’

ñuna: Bare, made barren; stripped of something (as soil or leaves) by the means of something else.


oia: Day; period of light from sunrise to sunset. First declension noun.

oizal: 1. To lie (upon); rest upon a surface. Transitive verb, used with prepositional cases. 2. Resting place (of an elven or human body); grave or tomb. Fourth declension noun.

olain: 1. A wave or billow. Second declension noun. 2. A particular kind of decoration done in wood on the doors or windows of some land Elwen houses, resembling waves. Fifth declension noun.

olin: Branch, bough of a tree. Second declension noun.

olma: 1. Tiger; great striped hunting cat, usually orange striped with black, but sometimes white striped with black, dwelling in the jungles of Ramasa. First declension noun. 2. Colloquial. A hunter, esp. one very dedicated to the hunt as sport, not just for food. Fifth declension noun.

oña: Alone, esp. in wild surroundings; away from other people or habitations of one’s own kind. Mostly a neutral word (though compare hel).

onleth: 1. Birth; generation of life; a beginning that cannot be turned back or reversed, and moves forward in linear time. 2. Beginning or inception of a task or project that cannot be turned back; that is unique and moves forward in linear time. Second declension noun.

onor: 1. To kindle a fire; raise light from ashes. Transitive verb, used with accusative case. 2. To begin a task or project, with intent of finishing. Transitive verb, used with dative case.

orimada: Skylark, bird which sings in flight. First declension noun.


pahel: Cloud; drifting condensation of water vapor high in the sky. Symbol of transience. Fourth declension noun.

pal: Wide, vast (in breadth). Used especially of great open bodies of water or grass.

pashal: To perform (as in a play); to act or play a role with the intention of entertaining or delighting, not involving deception. Intransitive verb/transitive verb taking the instrumentive case.

pel: To pass away (never to return). Used especially of things taken by time. Intransitive verb.

pelos: Elf, particularly one who refuses to learn the ways of Elwens and/or considers Elwens to be the children of Evil. Pejorative insult. Second declension noun.

pingal: 1. To cover, enfold; wrap around as if in blankets or folds. 2. To conceal from sight with the intent of deception. Transitive verb, taking accusative case.

poval: To swing, wave; move with a swaying motion. Intransitive verb.


qan: 1. Path, trail, track; any unpaved road from a game trail to a trading route. Second declension noun. 2. A road that has a destination. Fifth declension noun.

qéma: Glacier; large deposit of ice, often found on the sides of mountains or in the Frigid Waste. First declension noun.

qor: 1. A gate or door, esp. in a wall or fence. 2. Any physical entrance to a dwelling (house, city, etc.) Fourth declension noun.

qorpé: A main or great entrance or gate. Irregular first declension noun.


raion: 1. A twined or plaited wreath of plants, often used for decoration on land Elwen houses that otherwise have no plants around them. 2. A chaplet of flowers, used for a courting gift. Second declension noun.

raior: To twine or plait into a wreath. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case.

ralen: 1. Bolt of lightning, usually forked, usually blue or white in color. Second declension noun. 2. Extreme swiftness or strength at need; “second wind.” Fifth declension noun.

ranat: 1. A curved cup, as a goblet. 2. Any curved vessel used for holding drink, as a basin. Second declension noun.

ranon: Evening, twilight; period of dusky light between afternoon and full dark. Second declension noun.

ranto: 1. A year; 360 days, four seasons, 36 dances, measured from Wheeling to Wheeling. 2. Circle or cycle of time, as in the seasons or in a life. First declension noun.

ravnic: Numberless; without number; so great they cannot be counted. Always used with a plural noun.

rhial: 1. To sing without words, as a bird. Intransitive verb; compare rial. 2. To laugh like a child far gone in play, freely and hysterically. Intransitive verb/transitive verb, taking the –tim case.

rial: 1. To sing, make musical sounds with the voice. Intransitive verb. 2. To give voice to a musical composition. Transitive verb, used with the accusative case. 3. Rare and Poetic. To live. Intransitive verb.

rian: Moon; heavenly body reflecting the sun’s light and waxing and waning throughout the month. Third declension noun.

riansor: Moon-lover; a child or adult attracted to the moons, fascinated by their beauty and their pull on the tides. Fourth declension noun.

ríl: 1. The metal silver, used most often on coins and decorations. Fourth declension noun. 2. Rare and poetic. To fashion of silver; silversmith. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case.

rolande: 1. Everlasting. Usually shortened to ro- for inclusion in adjectives (as rocir ‘everwhite,’ a long winter). 2. Always; forever.

rool: To continue, endure (for a long time). Intransitive verb.

ruind: 1. Young person, young man or woman; young Elwen. Second declension noun. 2. Heedless; typified by the heedlessness of youth.

ruinda: Young, innocent woman; maiden. First declension noun.

ruindo: Young, innocent man; youth. First declension noun.

run: Golden in color; fiercely bright, color of sunlight or autumn leaves.

runsa: Golden or yellow flower, as the jasmine or crocus.

ryal: To love, fiercely and passionately, like fire sweeping across the heart. Transitive verb, taking the dative case.

ryl: To serve, fully and freely, giving service out of respect rather than love or faith. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case (for causes or places) and the dative case (for persons or families).

ryon: 1. Lady, a grown woman whose accomplishments are unknown to the speaker. Polite form of address to a stranger. 2. Lady (neutral term). Second declension noun.


sa: Preposition meaning “beside, at the side of.”

sala: Maybe; perhaps. Indicating a medium level of unlikeliness.

salma: Maybe even; perhaps even. Indicating a high level of unlikeliness.

saral: 1. To grow, flourish (of leaves or plants). Intransitive verb. 2. To spread out or extend, as of branches. Intransitive verb.

sas: Variant of sa before vowels, as sas iru ‘by the side of the river.’

sedara: Steep, narrow ravine, often with water at the bottom. First declension noun. Compare talos.

sélñal: 1. To divide, sunder; split one thing from another. Transitive verb, used with accusative case. 2. To halve. Transitive verb, used with dative case.

semil: To cut, cleave; split as with a blade. Transitive verb, used with dative case.

-seta: Case ending signifying “out of,” “from out of.” Used only with physical nouns.

shienta: Between us. First person plural casoid.

sholan: Tale, story (fictional). Second declension noun. Compare solamba.

shuer: To walk; to move along slowly on two feet over solid ground. Intransitive verb.

sia: Darkness; deep dimness without light of stars or moons. Third declension noun.

sianleño: Beloved; that which is beloved. Always implies a personal choice, deep and abiding faith, and may be used of either a thing or a person. First declension noun.

sindir: To tumble or fall harshly from an edge, as of a waterfall. Intransitive verb.

sirca: 1. Wing; pinion edged with feathers and supporting a bird or similar animal in flight. 2. Figurative; the movement of winds or currents of air in the sky. Third declension noun.

solamba: 1. A true tale, relating a series of non-fictional events or happenings; history. 2. The written account of such a history. First declension noun.

-suth: Case ending signifying “from upon,” “from up on top of,” used mostly of things high in the air.


talos: Broad, deep valley with steep (forested or rocky) sides. Often used of the Rivadan Valley. Second declension noun. Compare sedara.

tari: Physical grace; the quality of moving with elegance and so as to please the eye. First declension noun.

taria: Great cat (as opposed to thalia, a domestic feline); refers to any kind. Third declension noun.

te: Here; in this place; in this aforementioned place.

tea: Hither; near or near here. Adjectival form of te.

tel: 1. Water, esp. running. Fourth declension noun. 2. Water in general; all water. Fifth declension noun.

teldal: To flow away, flow downstream. Intransitive verb.

tém: Little; small in size. Used mostly of things naturally small (as drops of water) or small even when full-grown (as mice or songbirds), not of things small only for a little while (like children).

témir: Finch; small songbird with a high voice often found wild in the forests around Rowan. Fourth declension noun. [TÉM + Proto-Arilar *mirhia ‘to sing;’ lit. ‘little singer’].

thalia: Cat; small domestic feline, usually having short dark fur and green-golden eyes. Third declension noun.

tian: Ruler; monarch, chosen to rule by blood and birth, rather than by deed and worth. Not much used among land Elwens. Third declension noun.

tiana: 1. Queen; female monarch. Not much used among land Elwens. 2. The title of some goddesses, as used by worshippers. First declension noun.

tiano: 1. King; male monarch. Not much used among land Elwens. 2. The title of a few gods, as used by their worshippers. First declension noun.

tíl: To run (of water); to flow without implying any particular direction to the flow. Intransitive verb.

-tim: Case ending signifying “of, about,” as ria caistim ‘a song about leaves.’

tol: Now, at this moment; right now.

ton: 1. The ocean or sea; any body of water the other side of which cannot be seen. Second declension noun. 2. Rare and Poetic. All the waters of the world, from lake to ocean, from drop to stream. Fifth declension noun. [From plural of archaic TIN, variant of TEL, water].


uer: 1. Brilliance (in color). 2. Depth (in color). Fourth declension noun.

uera: Brilliant-leaved. Used of trees in sunlight.

umalña: Horribly alone and lonely; the kind of solitude and loneliness in which neither condition will ever end.

umat: Evil one; used especially of someone who turns on his people because of scorn for their beliefs. Often used of those whose beliefs specficially contradict the land Elwen ones. Second declension noun.

umathui: Anger that leaves devastation and tears in its wake, and costs more than it heals. First declension noun.


vacaño: Lands or gardens surrounding the dwelling place of a high blood family; estates of a vacate.

vacate: Main dwelling place or house of a high blood family; “heart” of a high blood family’s life.

vanir: 1. West; western; the direction of the setting sun. 2. The West used as a physical place. Fifth declension noun.

vantel; To end; come to a finish, come to rest. Always sense of volition on the part of the person/thing ending. Often used as a gentle word for suicide. Intransitive verb.

velo: A land or physical domain of any type, not necessarily inhabited. First declension noun.

veñe: 1. Wall, encircling wall (esp. one surrounding a town). 2. A physical border, as a river or hill, dividing one thing from another. First declension noun.

vyal: To dwell, live in, inhabit (for a period of time and by one’s free choice). Intransitive verb/transitive verb used with inessive case.


walesca: Virgin, unused (of land). [From Primal wa ‘without’ + LESCA; originally meaning ‘land never used as a graveyard’].

wes: Wolf-bred dog. [From Primal vhas ‘wolf’].


xamal: To foretell darkly for someone else; to foresee disaster because of that person's own actions. Intransitive verb/transitive verb, using the dative case. [From Primal xana, 'nightmare'].

xil: 1. To pray (for a specific result or favor from the divine powers). Transitive verb, used with accusative case. 2. To let out a cry or shout of appeal. Intransitive verb.


yana: Seat; chair, throne. First declension noun.

yanne: Crown, coronet; circlet worn on the head as a symbol of authority. Usually pejorative connotation. First declension noun.

yanta: Unicorn, esp. of the white, black, blue, or other breeds friendly to Elwens. First declension noun.

yol: To possess, own (a thing). Never used of people. Transitive verb, taking the accusative case.


zhanal: 1. To find, discover; come upon something that has been hidden. Transitive verb, taking accusative case. 2. To come to; find after long journeying. Transitive verb, taking dative case.

zhol: Then; at some future time, or as the result of some consequence to come. Usually used before the verb.

zor: Power based solely on might or physical force, as the zor of an alpha wolf. Fourth declension noun. [From Primal zor, zora ‘power, powerful’].

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