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Welcome! Bienvenidos! Faeralra! Alúcani!

(For Easier Navigation): Novels Short Stories Poetry Essays Worlds Personal Information Updates

Welcome, however you got here. My chosen name here is Anadrel (after one of the characters in my novels) and the main focus of this page is fantasy: the fantasy writing I do, the worlds I've created, and some of their various add-ons- such as the languages that the greetings above come from. The website also touch on a few personal things that I'm interested in, such as poetry and atheism. If you came here thinking it was somewhere else, please go elsewhere now.

Still here?

Well, good. I do like visitors. And I do have a lot to read here.

What exactly is that? Well, you could take a look at the page hosting links to various prologues and first chapters of my novels, or my page of short stories, or the sprawling list of some of my poems, or the page holding my English papers that have delusions of grandeur. If you're more interested in the fantasy worlds as worlds, go here. None of these are published, but they are mine, copyright Anadrel; Thank You For Not Stealing. If for some weird reason you've got itchy fingers, please remember that.

I suspect a few warnings may be in order:

Still with me? If you want to see what's changed since you were last here, go visit the Updates section. If you're really dying to find out something about me, go here.. Otherwise, you can go back up to one of the more general links, or start out with a poem that might give you a brief taste of what I write.

See you around. Farewell. Adios. Lushal. Nuinda.
