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The Curalli Quintet (Apr.- Dec. 1994)

This is one of the darker series I've ever written. Echelli, a character whom I met in the Elwensong Trilogy , totally and completely fascinated me for nine months. He's an anti-hero more than a hero, doing things that Keren, my first hero, would never do, and getting into complex conundrums about honor and what race he really belongs to, since he's three-quarters curalli and one quarter land Elwen .

These prologues and first chapters still have a lot wrong with them, and would need major revision ever to have anything to offer the world. Still, Echelli did propel my interest in curalli to such a height that they are now my second favorite Arcadian race, after land Elwens, and made it obvious that I would need to include curalli in my next ten novels . I offer these chapters here in the spirit of fun, and probably as examples of what not to do if you find yourself falling into an anti-hero phase. Do not, for example, try to think of all the different ways you can to describe blood. There are many more fulfilling things you could be doing with your time, such as trying to prevent your hero from taking himself too seriously. Enjoy! (Prologues and chapters linked off these pages copyright 1994-2003 by Anadrel).

Curallisong- Echelli's counterpart to Keren's story in Elwensong. Echelli has a mildly irritating life at first that quickly turns into a hellish one, and brings up new mysteries and complications- not least because of his mixed blood- just when he thinks he's solved all of them.

Curalli Struggle- Echelli decides to build himself a house on a patch of land in the middle of a forest, which turns out to be owned by Rowan. Hauled before the Council, he agrees to perform three services for them. This would be a lot easier if not for the mysterious sorceress who keeps popping in and out, the particular and peculiar malevolence of one young land Elwen, and the apparent presence of an old enemy. Add to that a group of curalli about to fight for the right to live among land Elwens without persecution, and Echelli is caught in the midst of politics he doesn't understand and, even more, doesn't like.

Battle-Light- Echelli begins to get the feeling that someone is watching him- right at the point when he has a fight with his supposed best friend and could use some protection. The figure turns out not to be as hostile as he thought, but her motives for seeking him out may still be dangerous...

Fighter's Pride- A goddess can hold a grudge for a long, long time, and it can even spread out and involve people who, technically, shouldn't be involved. When the goddess Tirosina starts trying to strike at Echelli because of his connection with the Deerfriend family, he gets bitten by a nasty snake and has to go on a hunt for a brother whom he never knew existed.

Forester's Fate- The arguments between Echelli and Corya are heating up. She wants more of a romance than Echelli, bitter and paranoid, does. Then a xanmara shows up, and everything goes to starhell very quickly.
