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My English Papers With Delusions of Grandeur

I had an excellent reason for creating this page. What was it again?

Ah, yes. I was bored.

I have two papers up, if anyone's interested:

The End of Eternity: Secular Acceptance of Mortality in Victorian Freethought Literature- Formidable title and all. This deals with H. Rider Haggard's novel She (one of the original lost-race stories), some of Swinburne's poetry, and various essays by the Victorian writer Charles Watts in an effort to trace a secular attitude towards mortality. Freethought and atheism get mentioned fairly often.

Victim, Possessor, Defier: Esther Under, Behind, and Against the Gaze in Bleak House- A close reading of Dickens's Bleak House,, and the possible power of one main character, Esther Summerson. The way she sees controls the story, but it also victimizes her, gives her the power of possession, and enables her to resist her own circumstances.

Copyright to Anadrel. Mine. Please Do Not Steal.

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