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Lahaith, said Lah-HAITH, is a world consumed with the idea of rebirth. Every soul is reborn, reincarnated usually next to people with whom it shared close bonds in life. Thus someone may be another person's lover in one life, then his daughter in the next, then his mother again. It's a delicate and confusing balance. Needless to say, family relations in Lahaith are intricate.

It's also possible to influence the destiny of a soul, especially at the moment of death, by soul-contact, a special form of telepathy, or beckoning the soul to become a certain new person. Bodies for the souls to inhabit may be brought into being by heterosexual sex or by the sialtroi, complex magical rituals performed by homosexual couples who want children. The sialtro takes life and strength from each parent of the child-to-be. Sometimes it leaves them hardly able to perform magic afterwards, even something as simple as soul-contact with relatives. In cases where the parents are determined to make sure the child is born healthy and intelligent, it may remove as much as ten years from their lives.

This power is, of course, open to dramatic abuse.



Lahaith- A simple poem describing various stages of dawn in various lands of Lahaith.

Homage to the Destiny-Maker- The people of Lahaith's northern continent tend to use soul-magic less than others, believing that every reincarnation is destined. Thus they worship the Destiny-Maker, who paints the world into being.

Short Stories

I am currently working on a short story, "Arranger of Destiny," set in Lahaith that should be done in a few weeks.


I want to write a novel set in Lahaith, especially one involving the sialtro, but at the moment it remains only an idea.

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