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The Worlds That Have Blossomed

These are links to the worlds I've created, two of them years old and the others much younger.

Arcadia- By far the oldest of my worlds, with the most information; I startted writing there in 1992. Arcadia has two languages, Aril and Primal, with fairly large vocabularies and messy grammars. It also has individual pages on the races. I've currently writing my seventy-third novel set in this world.

Arion- A mess. I created this world a few years ago, in late 1999, to serve as the setting for a series of epic fantasy novels I planned to make eighteen books long. This didn't work out; I only made it through three. I have some information, but most of it has yet to make its way online.

Orlath- I created this world in December 2002. Orlath is actually the name of only one Kingdom among many in this world, but I haven't yet picked a name I like for the whole planet. This world's primary purpose is to be parodic, mocking people with grand Destinies and changing eye colors and the like. I'm currently working on my fifth novel set in Orlath's world; the others were a trilogy and a stand-alone, all posted at

Beldonea- Another world I created in December 2002, though I didn't realize that it was a world at the time. I used it as a setting for my short story "The Lords of the Air," about a world where humans live haunted by the fear of the sidhe. I've since written a few other stories set there, and come to appreciate it as a world where the two main intelligent species will probably be forever sundered; they're just too different. I'm currently working on the cycle and legend structures. No novels yet; it's too new.

Eloria- A world created in February 2003, when I came up with the idea for a pretty unique system of magic. Its main inhabitants are shapeshifters who were forced into either human or animal forms long ago and haven't given up trying to regain their shapechanging gifts. I have one short story, "Betwixt and Between," set here, and a number of poems. I am planning a novel, though currently Orlath is screaming so loudly for attention that I don't know when I'll get around to it.

Lahaith- Created in May 2003; its only documents are poems so far. Devoted to the idea of rebirth and reincarnation as provable facts, influencing every aspect of life. For example, a couple cannot have children in Lahaith unless someone has died and a soul is free. This will be damn interesting when I get around to defining it more.

Kiuremis- A world created in May 2003; the vaguest so far, based on two images. One concerns dragons, and the other the shape of the world. It's going to be interesting to write in, though very, very tricky.

The Eleven Worlds- The most recent of my world-creations, in July 2003. An entire universe-system, its worlds are manifested dreams. I'll begin writing here after I finish the current Arcadian novel.

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