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The Swan Books (Dec. 2001-Feb. 2002 )

This is the series that's got me back, I think, into writing for a while. The last two novels I wrote (Starlight at Dawn and Westfire) went amazingly slowly, due to the pressures of school and work. However, I had some time (due to Christmas vacation) to begin this series.

And, I hope, do it justice.

The main character of this series, Lononi, has been kicking around inside my head for a while, as has the general concept. Basically, Lononi, a young land Elwen, starts to fulfill a wild prophecy, not intending to do so.

Meanwhile, the death Elwens, the "owners" of the Prophecy, start making wild (and erroneous) guesses about what the Prophecy of Veneret really means.

They're all wrong.

Do I know what the Prophecy is really about?

Of course.

I think so.

Given that I'm only in the second book, and the story tends to mutate and change, maybe not...

Late Note: The series is currently stuck after two books. I'm trying to figure out the way to work with the third one, Daring Heaven, which went tearing off all over the place and refusing to obey anything I told it to.

(All prologues and first chapters linked off this page copyright 2001-2003 by Anadrel).

Lute of Thorns- Lononi lived in the Forbge Forest, surrounded by curalli. His mother hated curalli, which made Lononi wonder why she had decided to come there. Of course, she didn't know about his friendship with the shadowed Elwens, or his work with a human village to teach them the best magic for farming. Then a devastating attack struck the human village, and Lononi, in attempting to avenge it, put his foot right into the mudpie of a prophecy.

Guarding The Shadows- Lononi's position in the curalli world had become unexpectedly precarious. The death Elwens hunting him and his suddenly blossoming bond with his curalli friend, Chemil, into something called the kechena- not quite romance, not quite homicidal madness- made things no easier.
