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Vital Statistics (if anyone cares)

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Favorite Color: Silver

Favorite Poem at the Moment: "Anactoria" by Algernon Charles Swinburne.

Favorite Song at the moment: "Ever Dream" by Nightwish.

Favorite Fantasy Authors: Guy Gavriel Kay, George R. R. Martin, Terry Pratchett.

Guilty Pleasure Authors (authors people keep telling me are trash): Steven Brust, R. A. Salvatore.

Least Favorite Fantasy Authors: Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind.

Least Favorite Song: "Jingle Bell Rock."

Things I do to keep myself from going insane: Write, read, stare out the window, make up languages.

Reasons that people think I'm weird: Mostly due to laughing at books I'm reading in public.

Major: English.

Religion: None; atheist.

If you really want more details: Reading Biography.

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