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DID U KNOW.....?
1):How many pages are there in an Indian Passport?
2):What does the word Tarzan mean? 3):How long can the brain function after the blood circulation cease?
4):What is the main control room of a ship termed?
5):Which French Philosopher acclaimed Che Guevera as "the most complete human being of our age"?
6):If Encyclopedia Americana is published from US, where is Encyclopedia Britanicca published from?
7):What is the color of Grasshopper's blood?
8):What is the term for the unprinted page at the beginning and end of a book?
9):Which is the only country to issue stamps without its name inscribed on it?
10):What is the term for the glass that changes its color in sunlight?
11):What is the main ingredient (90%) used in the kitchen gas cylinder?
12):Where is the Sea of Tranquility located?
13):Which country is referred to as the Land of White Clouds?
14):Do you know the reason for painting the city of Jaipur in Pink?
15):Who designed India's National Flag?
Note : The questions will be updated periodically. Do visit again.

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