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Christpher Marlowe: The passionate Shepard to his love

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That valleys, groves, hills and fields,
Woods or steepy mountains yields.

And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks
By shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of roses, 
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool,
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair-lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.

The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning;
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

Unknown: This Dance

I give you long, warm, wet kisses on your mouth
I force my tongue inside
Running my tongue slowly across your teeth
Tasting your hot, wet saliva
I roll my tongue across yours
Then suck it with my mouth
I suck and suck so gently, yet firmly
Then I let you suck mine

I pull away from you to catch my breath
Gulping in air as though I am starving
Then I go back to you, starring at your mouth
Licking my lips to taste you on them.
It is like a dance, when we kiss
Moving together, touching, rubbing
Feeling the sensations of arousal
Stirring deep down inside

One kiss equals one hour
No need to rush this
I give you my breath
Against your mouth
Flicking my tongue across your lips
Then wiggle my tongue inside of you
Your mouth so warm and inviting
We dance the dance again

Our tongues roll together, probing
Our breath mixes as we taste each other
Passion rises, but take this slow
Sometimes, slower is better
More intense and heated
Definately worth the wait
I feel so alive again
I want this dance with you to last

Jessica Lopez: True Love  

TRUE LOVE: by Jessica Lopez


What is                                                                               love? In

Truth? A collection                               of sounds that in the

End only we may understand.            But what is love truly? Love

Is not the words we speak or the gifts we give. But rather they are the

Words we do not speak, and the eternal bond that two lovers share

When two lovers become one soul we have made words to

Describe this. So then, is love these words? I do not

Believe so. Perhaps love is a shoulder to cry on

When things go terribly awry: or a hand to

Hold in the dark abyss that is fear.

Love is a fickle mistress that

Changes constantly. And

   I believe that true

     Love is…

Weathering these changes out; together forever and always.

Tender Butterfly: Trick or treat

On this wicked Hallow's Eve
I know just what is in store for me.

Spreading open my treat bag with much delight,
What will you give me on Halloween night?

When I ring your bell and say "Trick or Treat",
Who will give whom something good to eat?

Skipping my panties makes access with ease,
Underneath my costume, I'm quite a tease.

Do you want a schoolgirl or nurse or maybe a vampire?
Or perhaps all three if you're not gonna tire.

A private affair for only us two,
Starts with a costume, then maybe a boo.

Do you get scared with ease? 'Cause then I'll be gentle.
But there's really no need to be sentimental.

Though Halloween comes but once a year,
You will come many more times, nothing to fear.

I'm gonna find your lollipop, suck on the stick.
Devour your candy, and end with a lick.

I will ride your hard broomstick, but not like a witch,
Tho before we're done, you will call me your bitch.

I'm a naughty girl when wearing this mask,
Whatever you want, you've only to ask.

Cause this Halloween, when we dim the light,
I want moanin' and groanin', but not from fright.

This Hallow's Eve when you hear "Trick or Treat",
Open up to me honey; let's slide under the sheet.

The moon is full and your girl is hot.
Halloween is for kids? I'd say NOT.

La Belle Rouge: A hot tub


It was fourteen degrees
on the fourteenth day of February.
Wanted you to stay home with me
but Baby, you were in a hurry.
Your work just couldn't wait,
not even for Valentine's day.
I tried to seduce you back into bed
and hoped that you would stay.

But you kissed me on the forehead
saying "See you later Babe."
I wondered what else I might have done
that would have convinced you to stay.
I was feeling so sorry for myself
all alone on love's memorial day
so I decided to jump in the hot tub
for a little relaxation and play.

It was colder than a mole
on an Antarctic glacier's butt
and if anyone saw what I was doing
they would think I was a certified nut.
Our outdoor tub is au naturel only
so a suit was never an option for me.
The deck was thickly screened
so the nosey neighbors couldn't see.

I slipped down in that hot water
and turned on all the jets;
thought about our last time together
and Darlin, I'm not over it yet.
A little wine, a little blues music
on a freezing winter's night…
by the time those bubbles settled
we were doing more than alright.

I was feeling awful naughty
so I turned that red light on.
Thinking about your hands and lips
had me more than halfway gone.
I was warm and tingling all over
with the memory of your tongue
the way you know how to use it
claiming sunken treasures one by one.

Slipped down up to my neck
and placed my foot over a driving jet.
You had no idea what you missed.
Mmmm Baby…. I was hot and wet,
so I moved up close to that jet
pressing against it my… other sole.
I thought about that last foot massage
and I nearly lost all control.

I was considering other places
that needed that jet's attention
but I looked up and there you were
too naked for me to decently mention
the way your muscles demanded
that I touch and kiss your skin,
the way you stood at attention
when I giggled and invited you in.

If that full tub wasn't so heavy
Sweet Man, it would have been rockin
to the rolling rhythm of love
and all those hot bubbles poppin!
A Valentines Day to remember
in a HOT tub in sub-freezing weather
almost as good as those wild times
I used the cuffs on you and wore leather.



Created by Drakenfire02