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She talks just like a woman, yes she does.

She makes love like a woman, yes she does.

She aches like a woman

But she breaks just like a little girl.

~*Bob Dylan*~


Remember the good times that we had, I let them slip away from me when things got bad.  How clearly I first saw you smiling in the sun.  Wanna feel your warmth upon me I wanna be the one.  ~*Sarah Mclachlan*~



Oh, seek my love, your newer way;

I'll not be left in sorrow.

So long as I have yesterday

Go take your damned tomorrows.

~*Dorothy Parker*~





Have I been blind, have I been lost inside my self and my own mind?
Hypnotized mesmerized by what my eyes have seen  

Have I been wrong, have I been wise
to shut my eyes and play along?
Hypnotized paralyzed by what 

my eyes have found

~*Natalie Merchant*~



"In the middle of difficulty there lies opportunity."
~*Albert Einstein*~

It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not





Quiet is a severe and often unthought of weapon.  ~*Unknown*~




People don't understand me...that's their problem.

I understand people.....that's my problem.

~*Peter King*~




The things you fear are undefeatable not by their nature, 

but by your approach.     *~JEWEL*~




No man is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry.




To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are.





Think for yourself, be head strong, and question authority




The American Dream..........You find something that you love, and then you twist it and you torture it.   Trying to find a way to make money at it.  You spend a lifetime doing that, and at the end you can't find a trace of what you started out lovin'.  ~*Hope Floats*~




It's not until you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything.





Love is a man unfinished.  

~*Paul Eluard*~




        Pg. 1                 Pg. 2     





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