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starygirl Welcome

starygirlanimated stars

  Haha, I can't help but laugh at myself in this picture.  As much as it suggests me being one of those deep dark type girls, I'm not. I guess my day to day appearance would resemble more of the common "Abercrombie" type teenage girl. I just figured I'd throw in a picture of myself where the deep creative side shines through.  I actually can't think of anything worse than being completely common. Even though my creative side tends to hinder "normal life" on occasion I enjoy being able to delve deeper into things such as poetry, and emotion. About

I have a tendency I guess to "over think" things in life & cause trauma where there is none needed. When I think about it though, the obstacles in life I go through & the heart felt emotion I've felt is what breaths life into my soul. :)  I will sometimes think to myself how much simpler life would be if I didn't look so deep into things & let them just calmly pass me over, but then I almost can't imagine being that boring! How do simple day to day people do it???

Probably the biggest obstacle of myself would be WORRY. If I spent 1/2 the effort on the actual problem that I did worrying, over analyzing, and thinking of all the negative things that could go wrong I don't know where I could be in life. A quote from the movie "you've got mail" would have to describe me perfectly..................... You'd think of all the talent I put forth into finding ways to run from that which scares me I'd be able to think of ways to look past & conquer! I guess it just doesn't work that way though. :)

You're mind is a very powerful thing they say, and I'll have to agree. I have thought myself into some pretty rocky places before! :)


I'm a pretty common girl in most ways, but in a lot of ways, I'm not. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and has always come so naturally. Crazy poetry that no one else seems to understand really touches me in a way nothing else can. I have always had the ability to read between the lines, and feel passion in such simple things. For all the times in my life that I've had no words to "speak", writing is what I turn to.

All though people would probably think of me as a little stuck up prissy girl, nature is my passion. My appearance suggests otherwise, but diversity is good. It always keeps them guessing. :) I could lay in God's earth for days completely alone, and be at utter peace with myself. I don't know how Id' deal with out my Biore face wash and Pantene shampoo for that long. :)


There's almost nothing more annoying to me than people that can't enjoy or grasp the deeper more beautiful things in life. Just to go through life letting things bounce right off you & never stopping to feel everything that's there. If my thoughts were blocked for even one day & I was forced to commonly approach all life throws at me I think I would be missing out on so much that my wandering dramatic mind portrays.

I am probably one of the most social, air headed, twittering girls to all friends and family, but inside poetry, and such literature stirs! Haha. I sound like a total weirdo. There's much more to me than meets the eye, all though I have heard what meets the eye isn't too bad either. :) 

Note:  No that is not me in the design at the top of the page.  The picture I have tried to upload will not show up??  I plan on doing a little adding, and reconstructing on this page of my site, and including a whole collection of pictures pertaining to my life, so come back again to check out my updates.  :)


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