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Just Stuff

Here is some stuff that I think you might find interesting. There are pictures, links, and a lot of other stuff for your brain to comprehend. Here is a notion to think about: Sometimes to go forward, you must revisit places that you thought you could never link to again.

Weird Stuff

I'm putting things here that I have no clue as to what to do with it. So enjoy, call me odd, and may your dreams be haunted by the sights you encounter. I know I'm weird, you don't have to tell me.

The Stuff

10/31/06 I wanted to be Mr. Incredible for Halloween, but I was unable to find a costume in my size, so I made one. These are the pictures of me in my costume.

These pictures were taken in Mesa, Arizona one Saturday afternoon in early December. I spent the day with my Aunt Vicki and we decided to waist a couple of pictures. So I posed by some of these really cool statues. The man on the bench is holding a book that is part of the statue and there is actual writing on the pages! I got a kick out of that. Anyway, we were being goofy and had a BLAST!

Home Town Sunset

This is a picture that I took and entered into a contest. I didn't win but I like it nun-the-less. I think it's pretty!

This is summy. I met her in my bath tub. You'll have to look closely because she is kind of shy.

Be nice or I may have to see just how sweet your blood can be. I know, Iknow, I know. But it would be scary if it were real. Wouldn't it?

I got bored one day and started working on this. I think it turned out pretty cool.

Another of my bored projects. I didn't put as much effort into this one, but it still is neat.