To Mark's Page

Hi! My Name is Mark, I am 2 years old.
I have a big brother Danny who is 20 years old.
I have two sisters:
Vesta who is 18 years old
Theresa who is one year old.

My First Sunday School Project

Since I have turned two I have started Sunday School.
I really like it alot.
I had help making this ladybug.
I am the littlest one in my class.
The class is for 2 & 3 year olds
But, right now I am the only 2 year old.
We had a Promotion Ceremony that I participated in.
My Cousin Tessa was in it too
She is Older
She got promoted and Graduated from Children's Church!

Best Friends

I like to play with the toys and my little sister too.
Right now she is my bestfriend.
That picture is old. We need some newer pictures.
Right now she is my best friend.
We were both still babies in that one.
I like cars and trucks and trains.
My sister Vesta got me my first tractor for my first Christmas.
It was my favorite toy for a long time.
Till I got a train that makes noises.

If you click here you go back to my mommies page

If you click here you will go back to the main page

If you click here you will go to my little sister's page

If you click here you will go Theresa's & my links

Mommy built my page for me andfound the theme at:

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