I'm Theresa

I am one year old.
I am the youngest of my mommy & daddy's kids.
I am the youngest girl.
I am the youngest cousin.
I love my mommy & daddy.
I love my grandma & grandpa.
I am papa's girl really>
I am starting to try and walk but, still scared.
I am trying to talk too.


Right now my big brother Mark is my bestfriend.
He is still little too.
I try to imitate him.
I don't go to Sunday school yet like Mark and mommy.
Instead I play in the nursery.
But when mommy is done in her class she comes and gets me.
I sit in church with her.
I like the singing and music.
I like Pastor Jerry too.
Most days I sit threw the whole service with mommy
But sometimes I get tired.
When I do get tired mommy takes me back to the nursery.
Then I play with my brother and the other kids till she comes and gets us.
I am always happy when she comes back.
But, next year I will be in Sunday School too.

If you click here you will go back to my brother's page

If you click here you will go back to mommies page

If you click here you will go to Mark's and my links page

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Mommy built this site for me and found everything at: