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Expo. Journals
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Tip for the week: Remember to avoid fragments and run-ons by reading your paper out loud!!



Periodically throughout the week, you will be expected to respond to questions in your journal.  If you are absent, you are still expected to answer the journal questions.  Remember that they should be 1/2 a page to a page long in  order to receive credit.  Below you will find a list of the journal questions so far for this semester.




Tuesday, April 2

Describe a time when you experienced gender stereotyping.  How did it make you feel?

Thursday, April 4

Who is the villain in "The Pearl of Toledo?"  Why?

Tuesday, April 9

Do people ever contribute to their own oppression?  How and why?  Give examples.

Monday, April 22

What do you think of the girlfriends' relationship (in the story we read)?  Why do they stay in the relationships?

Wednesday, April 24

Are there things you feel you have to do?

Thursday, May 2 What are men's jobs?  What are women's jobs?  Why?