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To Know You're Leaving

To Know Your Leaving . . .
is to know such pain, it's jagged edges tearing into my soul.
As a stake from the garden tears into the warm, dark earth.

To Know Your Leaving . . .
knowing all the while that never again will I fit myself, warm with sleep,
against your solid back nor hear your steady breathing.
Or feel the beating of your heart.

To Know Your Leaving . . .
aware in every moment of every day that my dreams, my future;
once tied with silken ribbons to yours, will never come to be.
And the mornings once so warm and hopeful and so gently awaiting forever
are now but small pieces of my past.

To Know Your Leaving . . .
your heart a tight fist of anger and your dry eyes betraying nothing of you.
I cry for both of us, my love, because you will not.

To Know Your Leaving . . .
is to know that I've lost my place on this earth. My station. My heart's home.
That I will wander, forever a nomad. Alone and afraid.
And in my troubled dreams watch you leave, again and again.

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