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If We Could Visit Heaven

Lord why does Heaven have to be so far away?
We could come and just visit any given day.
It would be so wonderful to have a day with you.
I could jump into the Car and spend a day or two.

Children with the Angel's while we sit and talk.
Maybe you and I could even take a walk.
You have so many places in Heaven for us to see.
I am sure this is one place that Jesus loves to be.

Grandma an Grandpa I could visit with them today.
To young to know them whan they passed way.
Mom an Dad said they were very much in love.
This is what you like in this Heaven up above.

We could sit and listen as the Angel's sing.
The beautiful song,Glory to God our King.
Liberace will play the organ the Angel's will sing,
And Tennessee Ernie could even do his thing.

There's more Country Angel's that I 'd like to see.
Maybe we could even have a Country Jamboree.
I could sleep on a cloud and wake up feeling great.
I would stay till I was the last out the gate.

Driving home in my car,I'd be like a little Boy.
I would feel so clean and my heart full of Joy.
Long as you will let me Lord, I'll be back again.
Thank you once again for a wonderful weekend.

© Walt Chapman
May 11, 2001



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© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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