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For Just a Little Silver

Forty pieces of Silver was all,they had to spend.
For Judas to give up, his only true friend.
Lord you were praying to your Father in Gethsemane,
A group of Roman soldier's came looking for thee.

At this moment Judas ,hadn't realized what he had done.
For just a little Silver ,given up the Holy Father's Son.
Took him to prison where they treated him so bad.
They beat him,they crowned him,put thorn's upon his head.

They could find no wrong that Jesus could have done,
Only that his Father was a King and Jesus was his son.
But this was planned in Heaven that God's son was here to die.
Came here to save us from our sins, and at times I wonder why.

Hang him with two murderer's,on cross's there to die.
No one offered up there help, no one dared to try.
They sealed him In a tomb,and thought this was the end.
But just three days later, Jesus arose again.

All the pain and suffering he did for you and I.
So we can be with him in Heaven,on the day we die.
For all we have to do is pray,and ask him to forgive,
Then we will go to Heaven,and with the Lord we'll live.

© Walt Chapman



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© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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