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Getting Ready

The trees have lost their beauty,
as there leaves have fallen down.
Soon the snow will be so pretty,
when it covers up the ground.

The good things from moms oven,
leave a sweet frangrance in the air.
Soon all the family will be coming,
for we have our Christmas here.

My Sister will be here in her yellow car,
My Aunt out west will come by plane.
And others that do not live to far,
they'll be coming by car or Train.

The fireplace will soon be burning,
there will be lots of wood to cut.
our tree will need some trimming,
with a shinning Angel to put up.

First off to Church to hear of Jesus Birth,
We'll sing,rejoice,give thanks to him.
As we ask for peace upon the earth,
and pray that life gets better once again.

Soon Christmas morning, early as you know,
kids playing and Gramps reads of Jesus Birth
While outside we watch the falling snow,
By the fire we sing peace upon the Earth.

Christmas soon will be over all going Home,
All presents gone from under the tree.
and for the family, all will be gone,
But there will still be our memories.

© Walt Chapman



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Midi "Twinkle in Your Eyes" is used
with permission and is
copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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