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Happy Anniversary My Dear

Well it's been forty seven years now
since we spoke the words I do.
And I could spend another forty
seven years with you.

You have always been my Lover,
and also my best friend.
I know that it will stay that way
right up to the end.

We have are wounderful Children that
God give us to Love.
For these are a Blessing that comes
from up above.

Times haven't always been the best
and your aware of that.
We have had disagreements and a
couple little spats.

Also there was a time are two we
wondered if we would eat.
But when the time would come God
put food at our feet.

We have had a lot of good times at
places we have been.
We done a little gambling,some
times we would even win.

With you i've seen the east coast
and also the west
And I couldn't tell you which one
that i like the best.

God gave to us Grandvhildren to
bring us closer yet.
Sometimes they make us oh so proud
the little things they do.
And other times they do things that
break our heart into.

But we will always love them in our
own little way.
And pray that God will help them, grow
up along the way

We have a few great Grandchildren not
sure of the count.
I guess that having all these things is
what its all about.

God has given us so much, it seems
like there is no end.
But until there is my love Ill always
be your friend.

I'll love you when my last breath comes,
and I'm at Gods door.
And when you get there with me, then
I can love you more.

"I'll Love you forever"

© Walt Chapman



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Midi "Someday" is used
with permission and is
copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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