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My Beautiful Wife

I walked upon this porch one day
to speak to the man of the house
And there he sat on a porch swing,
Said he was thinking about his spouse.

He had a Bible in his hand about ready to pray,
I told him i was sorry, and that I would go away.
He told me no sit down young man,
he began to shed a tear.
He talked about his Beautiful wife
he hadn't seen for year's

Then his voice began to quiver and creak.
Her voice like an Angel,when she would speak.
Her hair Black as coal,and eyes just like midnight.
How they would take long walks in the evening moonlight.

She was alway's the most perfect Wife.
Then God came and took away her life.
Said' how I miss her since she went away.
But I know she will be in Heaven
when I get there some day.

This Beautiful old lady
then came upon the porch.
I told her what we talked about,
her eye then filled with tear's.

She said my Husband has Alzhiemer's
he hasn't known me for Years.
Every night I lie awake and pray,
he will remember me some day.

I could hardly wait to get home that night
To think how hard that must have been.
So love your Family with all you might,
Cause this could happen to you my Friend.

© Walt Chapman
Sept. 3, 2000



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