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He Only Gave Us Ten

God only gave us Ten Commandments,
it doesn't seem like quite enough.
But when you try to keep them the
going gets real rough.
Why would we pray to another God?
when this one has so much to give.
Why would we pray to idol's?
when we know that this God lives.

We do those things that God told us "no"
and know that it's a sin.
Then off to Church, ask God to forgive and
tomorrow, do it all over again.
There's stealing an killing, hating yes
and adultry too.
There's not much left in this life,
that we just will not do.

But when the time comes,from this earth
we'll be leaving.
That is when we ask God, to take us to
to Heaven.
There are those that couldn't ask God
to forgive.
Death came to quick, now with Satan,
they live.

Believe and trust in God,and when your
time is near,
You my look back with nothing to fear.
So always ask God, that your sins be forgiven,
And there will be a place for you up in Heaven.

© Walt Chapman



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