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Having A Choice In Life

Some times lifes not perfect,
also it not fair.
Yes I'm referring to the Children,
thatare left in foster care.
Some just give there baby's up,
to have more time for fun.
So many more left there because of the gun.
Hard for these children even to under stand.
But God is there to love them,
and give a helping hand.

Thousands left because of selfish wars.
Thousand's out there from accidents in cars.
These children left behind for the world to share.
no matter how it happened they are in foster care.
Theres so many out there with out a child to love,
Folks either couldn't have a child,
are theirs was taken up above.

Sometimes God's plans are harsh,
and we say he isn't fair.
Maybe this is done by God,
so with or love we'll share.
No matter what the reason is,
they need someone to love.
And who ever try's to help
we'll get help from God above.
To all the children out there,
you have to do your share
so many familys out there,
have so much love to spare.

Sometimes it isn't easy but most people try.
And for you, most of them would die.
also those that who treat a child real bad,
and in most Folk's eyes this is very sad.
They will have there reckoning,
wjth God along the way.
What will they tell him on their judgement day.

So if you've been adopted, are in foster care.
Just let the Parents out there,
show you that they really care.
God will be with you if ask him for help,
But just remember you guys,
you got to help yourself.

you got to help each other,
God Bless you both.
for all the Family out there

© Walt Chapman
March 28/2001



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