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Hound Dog and Rabbit

He layed around all Summer,
Hound Dog was twice his size.
He saw his friend the Rabbit,
said we need some exercise.
Ole Rabbit said let's do it
you can't catch me anyway.
And off they went out through the woods,
the Hound began to bay.

Went through the wood's and down the creek,
Finally ole Hound Dog was tired and weak.
The ole Hounds heart went thumpy thump,
While the Rabbit sat scratching himself on a stump.

The Rabbit wasn't tired at all been running
hard all year,
To many Dogs had chased him,looking for
dinner he feared.
He said we could do this tomorrow,if you
want to try,
you need to get some rest I don't you to die.

Next day the rabbit was waiting, out by
the old mill,
when here came ole hound dog running
over the hill.
He said here I am ,ready to try once more,
I'll catch you today,and that's for sure.

The rabbit looked at ole hound dog,
gave him a big grin.
said ok big dog lets try, this once again.
They went down across the valley's and
back over the ridge.
Out across the fields and o'er the old
covered bridge.

They were getting so tired,
that neither one could think.
Finally they had to stop,
to get themself a drink.
There was still spots of rain,
in puddles on the ground.
So they drank the water and just layed around.

Now back to the house and back to his hole,
Thats were rabbit and hound dog would go.
These to were friends,kept each other thin,
They did this up until winter again.

© Walt Chapman



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Midi "New Places and New Friends" is used
with permission and is
copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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