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A Blue Boy

A small little boy came to me today
ask mister would you help me pray.
I looked at him in much surprise
then saw the tears form in his eyes.

But haven't you ever prayed I said
yes mommy helped, but sir she's dead.
A drunk hit our car the other day
my Mommy and Daddy passed away.

My Sisters real bad and I'm only Five
so I need to pray to keep her alive.
Please help me mister if you would
And I promise God that I'll be good.

Then we knelt down on our knees
asking God to help his Sister please.
I just had to hold this little boy tight
let him know that all would be alright.

He's so young for this load to bare
it seems as though it just isn't fair.
Lord the answer what could it be
give us the answer help us please.

What could help this boy in life
why not adopt them me and my wife.
God you sent him here to pray
you already had it planned that way.

Thank you Lord for what you done
giving us a Daughter and a Son.
If things don't seem to work for you
trust in God he'll see you through.

© Walt Chapman

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