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Dying For Fun

Carrie was a beautiful young girl
had just reached Seventeen.
And deep down in her heart
wanted to be a beauty queen.

But this was their Prom night
wanted to have a lot of fun.
The party wasn't fast enough
that's when trouble all begun.

Her group had bought a bottle
they all had a drink or two.
So they wanted something more
exciting for them all to do.

They all picked a nice dance bar
in a town just down across the line.
They were dancing and having fun
then came the closing time.

They had to much liquor to drink
and the driver was Carrie.
Her future and their lives were gone
she wrapped the car around a tree.

Her and friends were having fun
and never put a seat belt on.
They were having a good time but
tonight they wont be going home.

Six young teen's died this night
this had to do with drink and drive.
I ask you with all my heart have fun
please don't let it take your life.

© Walt Chapman

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