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Jesus Dying Love

She gave him all the love she had
cherished every moment of the day.
For she new when he was older
he would be going far away.

God wanted her to Born this Child
and him,for us someday to die.
He suffered on the crossed that day
just to save us and for why.

He was sent to live upon this earth
he came to save us from are sins.
Tell the people of his father above
ask forgiveness before their life ends.

The sacred place where he was born
their people fight and kill all day.
Why can't the fighting cease out there
and them all knell down and pray.

All giving thanks for what he did for us
the suffering and dying that was given.
And beg him to forgive us all are sin's
seems we all take Heaven for granted.

© Walt Chapman



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Midi "A Mothers Love" is used
with permission and is
copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
© 2001  Bruce DeBoer

Walt Chapman
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