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I Caused You Pain

Mom they say you almost died
on the day that I was Born.
Starting on my first day here
Caused you pain, which went on.

Just a day before your birthday
I came upon this earth to you.
yes and that I was number ten
but your love for me was true.

You raised eleven children mom
and we all were loved the same.
Many things in life you did without
but we were never blamed.

Please forgive me for all the sorrow
that I caused you while on earth.
So many things I did that hurt you
and It all started at my birth.

Today is still your birthday mom
though you left us in seventy five.
Many years since you passed away
how many times, I wished you alive.

Happy Birthday Mom
I Love You.

© Walt Chapman

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Original Angel by Jonathon Earl Bowser
Graphics by Designer Lady