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Pop you were always number one
back when I was just a little Boy.
And I was "Oh" so proud of you
as you filled my heart with joy.

Nights" how I used to wait for you
as you came down the street.
I would grab your lunch box Pop
to see if you left me a bite to eat.

You always left me something Pop
cookie,cake are a piece of apple pie.
No matter what you brought for me
you saw the sparkle in my eyes.

Those days had to end sometime
and then I went to work with you.
Pop you taught me son, do it right
always do the best that you can do.

Pop you taught me to be honest
grow up, you said in honesty.
Always kind to folks around you
And respect and love your lady.

Well Pop I hope your proud of me
when you look down from up above.
Hope you see a good man in me
I'm sending you and Mom my love.

© Walt Chapman

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