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Handed Her a Rose
They sit there in the terminal
and held each others hand.
The roaring of the plane outside
knew it was about to land.

She wanted to be a movie star
so these plans they had made
They talked of this career for her
while in the seventh grade.

Yes'she was a thing of beauty
her hair black as the night.
Hated to see her go that day
but knew what he did was right.

Ask him to give her two years
she'll be coming back to stay.
Phone call just two years later
saying honey I'm on my way.

When she got off the plane
tears ran down her lovely nose.
He reached his hand behind him
handed her a pale pink rose.

Their life would not be happy
if she had never got her chance.
So now they have their Children
and a beautiful romance.

© Walt Chapman

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Original Photo by D & N Pics
Graphics by Designer Lady