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My Poetry Angel

Lord, I still have lots of time on Earth,
That is, if you should be so kind.
Poems I write are not the best I know,
But at times helps me clear my mind.

Lord, but putting them on the Internet,
Had really given me cause to worry.
Then you sent me this fantastic friend,
Only known to me by name of Laurie.

Must be some special kind of Angel,
You sent to help us get things right.
I'll write the poems and send to her,
She'll work all through the night.

She has put up with a lot from me,
And helping folks on the internet.
And when the time has come for her,
She'll be the best you'll ever get.

Lord, her work doesn't pay that good,
Her work comes by word of mouth,
And she gets a lot of work to do,
From our very good friend South.

Walt Chapman

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