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I Spoke Of Jesus

Today I spoke of Jesus in a crowd,
and many turned and walked away.
But all the ones that didn't walk,
began to fold there hands and pray.

Are Father which art in Heaven,
and Holy, Lord be thy name.
May are sins all be forgiven,
love for you to stay the same.

All the food we need each day;
Lord, let us never make a fuss.
We also ask you as we pray,.
forgiving all that sinned against us.

The ones that walked away Lord,
help us show them the way.
Must take time to teach your word,
and teach them how to pray.

Let us not be tempted by others Lord,
but deliver us from all worldly sin.
You have the Power and Glory Lord
for ever and ever Lord,Amen

Walt Chapman
9/10/ 2002

© Walt Chapman

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