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St. Pattys' Recipies

Green Ginger Ale (achohol free)

*Ginger Ale (achohol free)
*Yellow Food coloring
*Blue Food coloring
*Mixing spoon

*Fill ginger ale in a cup 1/2 in. from the top. Add 1-2 drops of yellow food coloring to beverage. Then add 1-2 drops of blue food coloring to beverage. Stir with mixing spoon. Served chilled or warm. you can also use a lemon lime drink such a Sprite instead of ginger ale.

St. Patricks Day Rainbow Cake

*Boxed Cake Mix (your favorite flavor)
*White or Green frosting
*2-3 cups of M&M's

*Prepare cake acording to instructions on box. when cake is completely cooled aply frosting. When frosting has been aplied, placd M&M's on cake in shape of a rainbow (see picture above). Great Project for kids! Challange Yourself! Try to make other shapes such as a Leprecon or a Clover!

Rainbow in a Cup Jello

*Red Jello Packet
*Orange Jellow Packet
*Yellow Jello Packet
*Green Jello Packet
*Blue Jello Packet
*Purple Jello Packet
*Clear Cup

*Make the red Jello according to instructions on the box. Pour a small amount in the bottom of each clear cup.When the red Jello has set, repeat the step using the orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple jellos(in that order). MMMMMmmm. A delishious treat. If you want a fancy jello in a cup use a wine glass instead.

Idea: Try using the yellow and blue food coloring to dye your food green!

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